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Jul 07, 2009 18:33

This summer is flying by! I can't even believe it. Lots of good things have been happening and I've been so busy. I got really used to doing nothing for a long time, so I am still trying to get used to being awake for the majority of the day. It's kind of pathetic. My body is revolting now - I have an earache, a sore throat, and I am achy all over. I need to rest really well tonight.

This past weekend, Alena and I drove down to Hollywood for a visit on the beach. We spent all of the fourth in our bathing suits, drinking in the sand. I like our little adventures. On Thursday, I am leaving for Michigan! And I'll be back Sunday. I can't wait to see Chelsea.

Other things coming up: I graduate in one month! August 8. I just ordered my announcements, I hope they get here in time. I used to be such a planner. I just don't care about the little details anymore, and it's a lot more fun this way anyway. Graduation time has caused me some stress from within my family, but hopefully everyone can settle down and be reasonable for an entire 24 hours. That's all I ask. Then the next week, I'll be in Minnesota. That's the trip I am looking forward to the most. :)

After that... who knows.
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