(no subject)

Jun 28, 2009 13:05

Last night I dreamt that I opened my eyes in bed and saw a hot air balloon floating in the sky. I waved at it and they waved back and then landed in my room. It was so perfect.

My birthday was so wonderful. The mailman ended up coming back with my large envelope and an extra package for me later in the day, so I got my gifts from my dad and Chelsea. :) When I was in Baltimore, my dad flipped out on me for having never seen Braveheart, so he was very adamant about getting it for me for my birthday but I said NO NO I DON'T WANT BRAVEHEART. So he sent Braveheart, special collector's edition. I expected him to forget about it and I sort of did myself, but I laughed when I opened it. :)

We went to dinner at Acropolis in Ybor and I had such a great time! :) They threw napkins everywhere and sang happy birthday and brought out baklava. It was a really nice night, I was very happy.
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