May 01, 2007 17:25
01. Subject line unrelated. This is all musetalk.
02. My Bunta is in the process of splitting. I think some of the genderbending and screwing around I've been doing with him has manifested in the form of homosexual tendencies, which Bunta Does Not Want. Because he's railing against it so much, it seems to be causing him to split. If what he tells me is true, I should have a second, openly bisexual Bunta by the end of the day. I'll be glad when it's over; he's very upset right now.
03. Fuji is... depressed. His Tezuka's been really into Atobe lately, and Fuji's gone through several stages of dealing with it, I think. He was spiteful at first, then kind of mellowed out and ignored it (whilst redirecting his own attentions, largely to Yuuta) and now he's just subdued. He's been in the corner, mostly, tending to his cacti. Occasional thoughts strike me, and it didn't take me long to realise they were from Fuji - would he like me better as a girl?* and maybe if I split, I'll get their attention back.**
*. Tezuka is very fond of my Atobe, and almost more fond of my Atobe as a girl. I don't know why.
**. A lot of muses have been splitting lately, and it's kind of a big deal. Fuji seems to think that doing so, too, would earn back both my attention and Tezuka's.
04. I feel like Atobe should be splitting. He doesn't seem inclined to, though. He spends a lot of time as a girl nowadays, and I think he and Keiko are -- well. I couldn't put my finger on it, but Seiichi said something last night that resonated true. Maybe Keiko is Atobe, but Atobe isn't Keiko. I wonder if they'll stay this way, then.
05. I was reminded very suddenly last night that Eiji is, in fact, my oldest TeniPuri muse. He's never split, either. Fuji is the second oldest, and he's never split. Then there's Kajimoto, who hasn't split yet, but... maybe. After that is Sanada. And speaking of....
06. I think I might just have five Sanada muses. ;; The other four are all talking like there's another one hiding somewhere. If that's the case, then I think feudal!Sanada and tango!Sanada are still separate entities, and tango!Sanada has latched onto an actual universe, rather than being another general muse. And if that's the case, then feudal!Sanada needs to give tango!Sanada his screenname back. AGHFSHDGJdg.
07. Eishirou seems to think that, by virtue of his being new, he is immune to the crackery of musechats. The rest of the muses find this hilarious. It bears mentioning that Tezuka is always the one to invite Eishirou in.
08. Gotta go finish getting ready for work~. ♥
animanga: tenipuri,