01. I should not be awake right now, but as is customary these days, I woke up sweating like a pig. It was stifling fucking hot in my room again; at least ten degrees hotter than the rest of the fucking house. This shit has got to stop.
02. SANADA APPRECIATION MONTH. I have... five of them to appreciate. I think. I think tango!Sanada and feudal!Sanada are separate. I'm just hoping there are only five of them. The last thing I need is MOAR SANADA. ... Maybe.
03. Bunta has split by now, and he's doing all right. I haven't seen hide nor hair of this other Bunta, though - unless this is the other Bunta. I can't be sure.
04. Everyone seems to have recovered from Higa's antagonising last night, thankfully. I'd really hate to have to start keeping Eishirou in a separate room for his own sake. ;; But the way he was trash-talking Rikkai and Seigaku yesterday, I thought I'd have to. Yukimura was livid.
05. Fuji and Atobe are talking, I think. I'm not sure what's going on, exactly, except that Atobe's been feeling bad for Fuji, and Fuji's been acting fucking ridiculous over Tezuka. I think Atobe's finally decided to do something about it, because he doesn't like Fuji this way; it's both irritating and heartbreaking at once, and it upsets Tezuka, as well. Hopefully something good will come of this. I love it when they self-govern.
06. Randomly,
my puppies are adorable. ♥
07. I'm gonna go catch a little more sleep. *Toddles off.*