Things to make up a post

Apr 07, 2016 19:51

The awesome: I have a shiny used desktop computer!

The bad: I can't currently log into said computer as nobody remembers the passwords to the existing user profiles and I'm not sure I can (a) actually reset said computer to factory settings and (b) that I really want to do so. The fixed!: I now have full(ish) access to the computer, and have set up my IM client! Chatting is a go!

The...I don't know?: My brother and I were actually able to carry on a decent conversation. About sports. Given that my brother and I have next to nothing in common and have a long and complex history of trying to beat the shit out of each other and that my interest in sports is typically limited to dirty looks and dire mutterings, our present conversation is something of a miracle. Or a sign of the apocalypse.

In other stuff, I still have fannish brain! It is awesome! It is also kind of preventing me from writing the cover letter I need to write in order to apply for the job in DC that's basically tailor made for me (I'd be doing research and legal analysis on the federal level in an area of the law that I've spent the last 4 years becoming a subject matter expert in. It's kind of the perfect job and I really, truly, desperately want it. I just want to write about gay cowboys more.)

This entry was originally posted at Dreamwidth where there are
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