Yay computer! (AKA Have some Mag7 Knit!Fic)

Apr 08, 2016 21:22

Written on my new-to-me computer! Oh how I have missed having a computer all of my own! (and now I shall finish up the other fic I'm poking at and go to bed, the better to gnash and wail my way through writing a cover letter tomorrow)

Knit!Fic, Rain and the Skeleton

The last thing Nathan expects when he comes home after truly bone-wearying day at work, is to see Rain sitting in their living room assembling a human skeleton. (And it's a real skeleton too; Nathan's seen enough human remains over the course of his career that he can pick real bone from high quality plastic from twenty yards away.)

"Sweetheart?" he says from where he's standing at the door, all set to make a quick getaway if this takes any one of the number of somewhat horrified routes he thinks it could. "You, uh. You want to fill me in on this?"

"Two words, Nathan," Rain says, not once looking up from her task of threading wire through a metacarpal bone, "Felted. Slippers."

Nathan sighs and puts his keys in the bowl by the door. Well, he knew that one was going to bite him in the ass some day.

Knit!fic, Knitting for Josiah

Usually, Nathan varies what he gives the guys each year. Oh he doesn't vary it by much - a scarf one year, a hat the next, maybe mittens or socks if he can't think of anything else, or a sweater if he thinks the man in question is particularly deserving that year (ain't happened but once, and that was the year JD spent a week in the ICU after getting gut shot chasing down the Spivak gang) - but he tries not to give the same thing two years in a row. He has a little spreadsheet that he's kept updated over the years, and he'll kick the ass of anybody except Rain who dares make fun of him for it. Fortunately he's only had to do that once, and that was with Corcoran, who hadn't lasted long with them anyway.

Of course, every rule has an exception, and every year Nathan opens up the spreadsheet and types "socks" next to Josiah's name.

If pressed, he'd say it's because he knows Josiah can't ever find socks that fit and he can only spend so much time listening to the man bitch about his blisters before he feels compelled to do something. In truth, though, Nathan knits socks because it's the one damn thing Josiah can never crochet, and he's not above rubbing that fact in Josiah's face.

Not that Josiah minds, of course, for he thinks that it'd do Nathan a powerful lot of good to be a bit more fallibly human - and, if it means he gets another damn fine pair of socks in the bargain, well, that's just the cross he's going to have to bear.

This entry was originally posted at Dreamwidth where there are

[fic], [mag7], .mag7:ficlet

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