drowning in my id

Oct 23, 2004 18:47

So, i finally got caught up on Smallville.

It really, really freaks me out that Lana and Jason are actually, like... cute. Lana acts like a normal person! And actually has chemistry with someone! It's CRAZY. Jason is adorable, and even though i hated Clark/Lana, it's weird that they're no longer omgsoulmates!!1 Clark and Lois were really cute at the end of Facade, too. I don't really care about Lois much, but i enjoy Clark's goofy dumbness around her and the snarkiness they have going on.

AGH, I FUCKING HATE LEX/LANA. I don't know if i can even put into words how much i hate it. Like, it actually, physically angers me. And the fact that i know that's where they're going really doesn't help at all. Why why WHY do they have to taint Lex with the worst character of all? WHYYYYyyyyyyyyyyyyy? It's sick and WRONG. And everything being All About Lana is really getting tired. It was tired years ago, but now it's just so excessive and old that it makes me want to puke. Three (THREE!) characters in love with her, and now she's part of the mythology as well? Because she's just! that! important! FUCK YOU, SMALLVILLE.

I kind of hated what they did with Chloe in Devoted, but still, her coming on to Clark in the loft and being a psycho cheerleader were hilarious. But the END, dude, THE END. Clark kissing her on the cheek absolutely broke my heart. Chloe/Clark used to be my main SV 'ship (remember? when they were almost a couple? ages ago?) and i still have such a soft spot for them, except for the fact that Clark is always, always an asshat. It simply amazes me that just when you think they might stop dumping on Chloe, they DON'T. No more Lana jealousy? Whoops, our mistake, here's Lois! And how many fucking times have she and Clark hooked up under the influence of Kryptonite? Like, A BILLION. Of course, the same could be said for Clark and Lana, but it's still ridiculous.

It was SO CUTE when Clark and Lex made up. SOOOOOOOO. All the adorable little smiling, and Lex going to Clark's football game like the good boyfriend he is? AWW! Really, it was just about the gayest thing ever.

I didn't particularly like Bart, he was too much of an annoying punk (WALLY! WAAAAALLLYYYYYY!! ergh. The only reason it couldn't be Wally is because he would have to be played by Michael Rosenbaum, THAT'S IT.), but the running with Clark was really sweet. Oh, and Chloe looked freakin GORGEOUS in her one scene.


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