then i'll see you in HELL!

Oct 26, 2004 02:15

I rewatched the first three episodes of Lost on Saturday (because i FELT LIKE IT). Dude, the beginning of that first episode, it really is the best thing ever. The quiet, eerie calm that it starts out with, and then the fucking insane shit that KEEPS HAPPENING. It's SO intense and awesome and... gah. It freaks me out in the best way. And the reason i mostly wanted to rewatch those episodes is because i didn't remember little details, like, you know how before you're really obsessed or familiar with a show, later on you just don't remember it as well? Right? Right? Well, yeah. So it was weird to see it actually knowing who everyone is this time around. And WHOAH, okay, did you know, when Jack and Kate first meet, right when we first see Kate, she's rubbing her wrist? FROM THE HANDCUFFS? Yeah, that freaked me out a little bit. And the morning after they all hear the dinosaur for the first time, you can hear someone say there was "something familiar" about the noises. I have no idea if that has any significance, but i thought it was kind of creepy.

Sawyer fucking cracks me up. His answer to where the polar bear came from: "BEAR VILLAGE, how should i know?" Best line in the world. For all the seriousness of the show, there are some moments that are just really, really funny.

And, uhm, i got a little bit mushy over the Jack/Kate. Or... a lot mushy. It's so WEIRD, i swear dude, when i first saw the pilot i literally was thinking "i'm supposed to ship them, but they are OBVIOUS AND BORING". (although i did love the "1, 2, 3, 4, 5" part) And now i'm like "aww cute!" WHAT. THE. CRAP. It's just so adorable how they latch onto each other right away. And how Kate's afraid but Jack makes her brave! ("you're not running now." HEART!) I really love when she gets lost in the forest and is like, screaming to him. It's so sad. And when they finally learn each other's names and are all smiley, so cuuuute. And when they're inside the plane, there's that one point, when the dinosaur comes by and Jack pulls Kate back up into the cockpit and Jack keeps holding onto her, that made me really happy. And when Kate and Charlie meet up with Jack again at the end, Kate acts so relieved and immediately walks up really close to him and sort of smiles and it's so sweet and AGH I CAN'T HELP IT OKAY THEY'RE PRETTY.

I may have also tuned into Walkabout for a few minutes during the rerun on Saturday just for the touching part. Just for that. Uhm. It's just! "Are you okay?" And the touching! The sunshine! I... i'm sorry that i'm like this, i really am.

Oh, and in Tabula Rasa, when the marshal is warning Jack about Kate, and he says " matter how she makes you feel" (!!) and "she got to you too, didn't she?", that... that makes me question things! WHO THE HELL IS KATE?

I'm going to have to miss Wednesday's episode, so like, nobody else watch, and wait for me, okay? OKAY? Oh, that's not feasible, you say? FINE. Whatever. I don't need you guys anyway.

Also, i made two icons of everyone's favorite love square. Take and credit if you want.

Oh em gee, everyone luvs KAYTE! Wow, i just realized it's almost like Lana on Smallville. But i think it helps that there are enough viable 'ships and interesting characters and good writing on the show that it doesn't really matter. I mean, there must be a reason i don't find it obnoxious!

lost, icons

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