moments of greatness

Apr 29, 2004 01:23

Such a great episode. Clark screaming "Lara" was painful, and it's moments like those that i realize, sometimes, Tom Welling rocks. Lex breaking the tank to save Clark was gorgeous, and even though i'm not utterly obsessed with the Big Gay Love? I still adore it. A lot. (does that make sense? They're not my main 'ship, but the love and complexity and greatness is undeniable.) Oh, for some reason, Lex telling Clark "Take care of yourself" in the barn got to me. Badly. Maybe it's a thing, but characters saying that always breaks my heart a little bit. It's so SAD, and i don't know WHY. Alias, Evangelion, there must be others... but it's sad, and i like it, and yes, angst freak, that is me! Anyway, the last Lex/Lionel scene was INTENSE. John Glover and Michael Rosenbaum are just... amazing. Their facial expressions alone were enough to break me. SO. GOOD. And then the final scene, when it showed Clark in the barn i was fucking terrified it would be a Clark/Lana scene. And then Martha showed up, and all was well. So yeah, that scene? Made me cry. Actually, i think i was probably crying before that, with the Clark/Lex and Lex/Lionel, because it was all so good. WHAT? Smallville doesn't make me cry! I'm such a LOSER! But anyway, yeah, it was so sweet and i love Martha lots, and i don't even know why it got to me so much, but it did. I am a sentimental fool. And speaking of Martha's greatness, the earlier scene with Lionel was also awesome. Ma Kent rocks. Bo Duke can go molest a cow, i love MARTHA!

I don't feel like mentioning anything of substance, because that is out of my grasp. But it was good! Good substance. There was some substance there, yes there was. Yet again, when Lana is relegated to very very very few scenes, everything else flourishes. Even though there was no Chloe, but that's how it works- she gets a whole episode, then gets stuck in the background for a while again.


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