Friday night! P-A-R-T-Y? Because i GOTTA!

May 01, 2004 01:03

Dude, uploading icons. I am LIVIN' IT UP. So, there's Sark/David being PRETTY, S/V (in girly pastel colors! Could i BE any lamer? But note the underlying angsty subtext. NOTE IT!), Jen (requisite 13 Going on 30 icon, woo! So much cuteness, so much.), Syd (see, it's all summer-y and sunshiney and stuff. It's like, so seasonal!), and FINALLY, look fleener! Friends icons! Which are really difficult to make, oddly enough. Still need Friends/Alias crossover ones though, man.


Except... i have nothing else to say. I don't even have a lame meeeeeeeme to fill out. I've got NOTHING. Wait... no. I actually just sat here trying to do the "four truths and a lie" thing, but i couldn't come up with anything interesting enough. And i was going to have you ask me questions for that old five question interview thing, but i don't feel like answering questions. So i'll just sit here, being boring. Uhm. Okay, bye.
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