out of the rain and the chain-chain-chains

Apr 28, 2010 02:50

No new Lost episode? POSTIN' ABOUT IT ANYWAY

I've mentioned this before, but i read The AV Club all the time, and their Lost reviews are especially my favorite. They tend to crystallize my positive opinions and keep me thinking about a new episode well into the next day, plus the comments section is more insightful and funny than the majority of pop culture websites out there. A couple choice comments on the latest post:

also, did anyone else notice the inconsistency when Sawyer said, "who the hell is Anakin?" Wasn't it in season three that he threw out a reference along the lines of, "so you fell for the old wookie in the handcuffs routine."

Major plot hole, people!!!

I think Sawyer is more an original trilogy kind of guy.

And then everyone went on to discuss EXACTLY HOW MUCH of a Star Wars fan Sawyer is. LLLLOOOLLLLL

I enjoy how Jack, even in the sideways world, is still the most miraculous doctor. When he looked at Locke's X-Ray's and said "I got this", he was like the Lebron James of spinal surgery. I was expecting him to start the surgery by grabbing a handful of powder and throwing it above his head.

Jack doing LeBron's chalk routine would have instantly become my favorite moment of the entire series.


Also every time someone gets in a boat, people comment about expecting a temporally-displaced gun battle. That has been anticipated for so long it better goddamn happen. WHO DID/WILL JULIET SHOOT?! aggghhhhhh

I forgot to mention this last week: Saywer telling Jack "they got pills for that, doc" about not feeling right about going back. MAN, Sawyer, he already tried that! It just turned him into a mean, sloppy hobo!

One of the things this season has successfully accomplished-- which stood out in the last episode probably more than ever-- is making me love Jack again. He was honestly my favorite character back in season one (i love crazy jerk heroes!!) (also, um, Matthew Fox's prettiness), but season three made me hate him more than i thought could be redeemed. Looking back i suppose he had to be in a cocoon of dickishness for a while before he could emerge as a beautiful butterfly, which doesn't make s3 any more tolerable but it does make it understandable. But we've finally truly come out on the other side, to Jack being Locke's original man of faith and more believable as a leader now than he ever was in the beginning. I haven't been speculating about the end of Lost because a) i don't want to try and anticipate how things will wrap up, b) i don't have any mind-blowing ideas about where everything is headed, and c) we're really close to finding out anyway. That being said, i'd be into it if Jack really does become the next Jacob. I'm not sure he will, since things have always pointed more toward everybody breaking the rules and saying "fuck you" to both Smokey and Jacob... but i kind of like the idea of Jack remaining on the island forever. It does sound pretty depressing, but i also think it's the most interesting option, versus the other two general ways i can imagine it going: returning to the real world and living a normal life (BORING, SEEN IT) or... death. And i know i've said it before, but Jack and Kate staying on the island together: I WOULD LIKE IT. Because what better way for Kate to finally stop running? Of course, i'm considering all this on a very simplistic level and really have no idea how the alternate universe will play into things, or whether they're all meant to break free or whether the backgammon players will just continue rotating for all eternity. WHO KNOWS? NOT ME


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