i turn to stone when you are gone, i turn to stone

Apr 25, 2010 17:40

AAAUGGGHGHHHUUGHHGHGHGHH WEEPING ANGELS. THIS IS WHY I HAVE NEVER REWATCHED BLINK EVEN THOUGH IT IS THE GREATEST EPISODE. D: D: D: The scene with the angel in the tv was the best (because it was awesomely terrifying) and the worst (because it was awesomely terrifying). AMYYYYY. I loved when she started winking so as not to stop looking at it. So clever! And once it finally got out of the tv i was like MOTHERFUCK, WHAT IS THIS, THE RING?! ahfsgsjdsbfgl

So, shock of all shocks, i did not hate River! I was not looking forward to her showing up because i really disliked her in her first appearance, but her "i know you best!" schtick was far less annoying this time and she was actually pretty cool. "Hello sweetie" written in Time Lord hahahahaaaaaaaaaaa, oh man. Driving the TARDIS! OH MY GOD ELEVEN MAKING THE PARKING SOUND, BEST EVER. Anyway despite the whole Time Traveler's Wife business, it is still rather compelling to consider that River is going to know the Doctor for a VERY long time (e.g. saying he always looks different, so she will know him even past the next regeneration, and the one after that?) and to wonder when exactly she will meet him for the first time, and when he will warm up to her and not be resentful that someone else is popping in and out of HIS life for a change.

Amy and River's interaction was adorable, oh boy. There's the obvious similarity to Rose and Sarah Jane, except minus the gross jealousy part, which is refreshing. Amy was just in awe of River. SO CUTE.

Bob the Angel was terribly depressing and creepy. Yeesh. :(


This whole episode went by too fast. I was ready for more and it was already over! Friggin two-parters.

I made a Community manip.

Fun fact: did you know that a pristine image of the poster for The Breakfast Club apparently does not exist on the internet? Yeah, who knew! :| I spent way too much time on it for a friggin shoddy joke manip. Boo, you whore. Another fun fact: i started this MONTHS ago and literally could not finish it until Thursday's episode because i did not yet have the perfect Abed picture. Trying to find the proper heads to swap was hard!

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art, doctor who, community

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