the sea was angry that day, my friends

Apr 21, 2010 01:08

Uggghhhhh, my CONSTANT ANXIETY is getting kind of annoying. And i don't just mean during the episodes, i mean ALL WEEK leading up to them. I am pretty sure this is not healthy. Or... sane. D: I seriously want to yell at the tv every time an episode ends just because... WHERE DO YOU GET OFF? You freaking EPISODE! All... ENDING! And shit!



But okay, last thing's first: SUN AND JIIIIIIIIIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FRIGGIN FINALLY. Of course, as with all happy things, i was dreading something horrible happening that whole goddamn time. The fact that they had to go through the pylons to meet each other made me think "agh one of their heads is going to explode or some shit i don't even know" BUT NO! THEY ACTUALLY GOT TO BE HAPPY AND NOT DIE! (in the alternate universe too!!) THREE YEEEEEARS, GODDAMN.

The opening scene was SO GREAT; when Jack asked "how many other people have you looked like?" my face was like :D :D :D :D :D and then when he asked about his dad my face was like XD XD XD XD XD XD SMOKEY REALLY DID INTENTIONALLY LEAD HIM TO THE WATER! I mean it's not like we didn't know the island was purposefully doing all this shit all along, but to get actual confirmation of it is pretty exciting. AND actual confirmation that Smokey can only imitate dead people!! So, assuming that was the truth, WHO THE FUCK WAS THE ISLAND MANIFESTATION OF WALT?!?!??!?!??! :O Not that that will ever be answered, i'm sure.


AND THEN! JACK AND CLAIRE! FINALLLLLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. Oh my god we found out they're related like a billion years ago, i have been waiting for them to meet as brother and sister for so loooooooong. BROTHER AND SISTER AJDHLKAFHF. And then they said like five sentences to each other and that was that. Hahahahaaaaaaaaa, oh, Lost.

Claire complaining about everybody abandoning her really... doesn't make sense, and i wish somebody would call her out on it, but i know they won't. YOU WANDERED OFF INTO THE JUNGLE FOLLOWING SMOKEY! THEY WAITED FOR YOU! THEY WEREN'T TRYING TO LEAVE YOU BEHIND! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO LEFT! But anyway her seeing Jack et al. leaving her (after they just met up!) was kind of harsh, especially when you think about it from her perspective. I really really liked Kate's plea to Claire to come with them, it made me so happy that Kate finally got to explain herself and tell Claire that she came back solely for her. And mentioning she was there when Aaron was born-- she wasn't just there, she DELIVERED him!!!!!! akjdsalfgjk KAAAAAAAAATE

SO I'M GUESSING SAYID DIDN'T SHOOT DESMOND. Because i am pretty sure Desmond would warrant a little more than an offscreen death. Getting shot while trapped in a well. Yeah, no. (plus the well just so happens to be a ~pocket of electromagnetism~ so obvs Desmond is gonna go supernova and become Dr. Manhattan. ........annnnd i can't believe i never put together the similarities between Desmond and Dr. Manhattan before. nonlinear perception of time, staring at a picture of his lost love, agfdjksagk. i know Watchmen is one of Lost's many influences, but dang man, i'm surprised i missed that.) (then again, Sayid probably helped him out of the well, which would be why it took him so long to get back to Smokey, in which case NEVERMIND.) (but still.) ANYWAY, PARENTHESES. If anyone can appeal to whatever tiny shred of a soul Sayid might have left, it's Desmond. He was very convincing. Nadia wouldn't have wanted Sayid to commit murder for her, it's true! Obviously that very thing is not working out too well in the alternate universe!


JAAAAAAAACK. I was very impressed that he actually jumped off the boat! I thought Sawyer was really going to push him, which woulda been weak. Man, i wish those guys would get along for once. There was a time when they made progress on that front, but it seems they always go back to pissing each other off. GET OFF MY BOAT! (um, excuse me Saywer, that is Desmond's boat, and not even Desmond's really, it is Libby's, and not even Libby's but her dead husband Dave's! SO. Credit where credit is due.) (how did they even get their hands on that boat anyway? did i miss that part? where has it been for three years? and how is it still in perfect condition? was Smokey taking care of it?) ANYWAY. Jack called Sawyer James, AWWW. And Kate freaked out when Jack jumped in the water, AWWWW. I really wanted her to jump in and swim after him. :*( But man, even though i thought that was pretty cool, i was still laughing because yay we finally got a big group together and Jack and Kate are finally communicating again, OH NOPE JUST KIDDING, SEE YA. Hahahaaaaaaa i'm crying.

Well gee, Widmore wasn't trustworthy, WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT. Hey i just realized we don't know where Ben, Richard, and Miles are (i totally forgot about them!), i wonder if they fucked things up for Sawyer and his crew? Or if it's just the fact that Desmond is gone and therefore messing up Widmore's plan and Widmore doesn't give half a crap about upholding his deal with Sawyer. And i mean, Sawyer got Smokey to go to Hydra island but nothing actually happened then, so i don't know what Widmore was even getting out of that agreement.

Jack nearly getting blown up on the beach was rather worrisome. Smokey carried him into the jungle just like Richard! So homoerotic! It also dawned on me that Jack jumping off the boat and swimming back to the island was somewhat reminiscent of Sawyer jumping off the helicopter and swimming back to the island. Those dudes and their noble swimming!

OH RIGHT, THE ALTERNATE UNIVERSE. Man, i keep expecting the timelines to just MERGE ALREADY and they still haven't! Sigh. I liked alterna-Sawyer and Kate in their scene together, that was cute. I really had no idea what was up with Ilana saying they'd been looking for Claire, but man, Jack reading Claire's name in the will was forever ago! So OH BOY Jack finding out he has a sister again, CONGRATS BUDDY. Jack and David are really adorable, but i wonder what will happen to David since he's the only person in the alternate timeline who has never even EXISTED in the original timeline. Jack talking to David's mom on the phone had me really hopeful that we'd finally get to see her, but no such luck. IT HAS TO BE JULIET THOUGH, I MEAN, COME ON. That hadn't even crossed my mind when that episode aired, but various people have theorized it since then and i really really want it to be true, oh man, and it makes sense and we have to see her at some point and, just... JULIEEEEEEET!!!%#@^%$&#

Jack and Locke are now together in both worlds, and in both worlds one or the other of them has just suffered a physical trauma. WUH OOOOH


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