oh my god, i wanna smash your face!

Mar 26, 2010 00:25


ANNIE AND SHIRLEY BUDDYCOPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And oh my gosh with the Sawyer and Miles greatness on Lost, it is apparently a good time for buddycops on tv. Abed as The Chief was the amazingest, and Annie slamming Jeff's head on the table was completely unexpected and INSANE (and awesome, obvs).

Brittaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. The dark cloud that holds them together. ;______; Also, she loves accessorized animals. ALSO, SHE IS MY FAVORITE PERSON.

Parks & Rec

APRIL/ANDY ;__; So much wonderfulness. Softball and baseball (softball for boys!)! SWEATER SWAP! She's an eyebrow girl. The coverrrrrrrrrrr ;___________; wtf how did they become #1 tragic love story, agh APRIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLL (srsly though, softball April = so hot, fffffffff ANDY YOU ARE FINE BUT YOU ARE SIMPLE)

Ron and Leslie and breakfast food and darts and both foreseeing an epic battle with each other in the future! :D Okay i totally understand why people have started shipping them. They are fucking fantastic.

Leslie listing all the things she wanted the former department heads to say to her, concluding with "You are the Chosen One." OH LESLIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

"Merkins! ...No." I LOST IT.

TOM AS DON DRAPER!!!!!!! Every Thursday NBC comedy has now had a Mad Men reference and/or castmember appearance. XD

Haha they are not even trying to hide Amy's pregnancy. Aw. (side note: akjhfjasgfjgf Poehler/Arnett baby #2 akfajsjkgh)

We really made love to the pooch on this one.

30 Rock



I had NO IDEA he was coming back until the commercial that aired during Parks & Rec and i was like "WHAT." Or, well, scratch that, i had sort of an idea because i managed to randomly see Sudeikis on Jimmy Fallon, and he was talking about filming for 30 Rock but i missed the part of his story in which he mentioned WHEN that took place and i wasn't sure if he meant Anna Howard Shaw Day or something new (!!!) and i may have spazzed out a little bit and then i forgot.

ANYWAY, FLOYD. I DO NOT LIKE THIS STORYLINE AT ALL. >:( I hate "other woman" shit and triangles (even though lol that is how Liz/Floyd started) and people getting married in a way that is obviously meant to be rooted against and agggghhhh SOMETIMES EVERYTHING IS JUST THE WORST, KENNETH.

Don't bring Floyd back just to have him say mean things and be terrible. We worked through this last time he was around! HE USED GHOSTBUSTERS FOR EVIL! But they made up in the end! Ugh i liked drugged-Liz-hallucination Floyd better.

Something tumblr has brought to my attention: i have grown to fucking hate the term "Head Bitch In Charge" and seeing its abbreviation is enough to make me want to commit physical violence. I mean, the sentiment is coming from the right place and all, but the phrasing... just... annoys me... so... much. And it is now overused to the point of grating excess. UNNECESSARY AGGRAVATION SULLYING AWESOME THINGS: GODDAMMIT INTERNET. >:( This... this may be part of a larger problem in that i'm pretty sure tumblr is making me far more easily annoyed with the internet/fandom/everything. It's an echo chamber of at least 50% things i don't care about/things i don't want to care about/bad picture editing/oversimplified fanart and yet i keep checking it despite feeling less and less like i want to post to it at all. (is it weird that i felt better posting to it before i followed anyone? and posting within a larger fandom context makes me involuntarily start censoring myself and weighing the importance of each post more heavily, because there are SO MANY POSTS that everything becomes white noise and i dislike burdening others with my own personal nonsense? which is what i do with livejournal as well? and even fucking goddamn FACEBOOK? because all of these things are like a platform for being judged and if you get no response it means you are essentially worthless in the invisible eyes of whoever the fuck is looking?) OH GOD, SELF-DESTRUCT IMMINENT (not really. i just... hate everything.)

bbbbbbllllllleeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrggggggg this got gross.

community, parks & recreation, 30 rock

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