i know what they want and i know they don't want me to stay

Sep 22, 2009 00:08

What is this?!? Television thoughts?!??! It must be that time of year where i start posting regularly again! Ugh, do you know how i have been spending all my free time on the computer lately? Selling shit on eBay and obsessively refreshing eBay and organizing product shots for eBay and writing item descriptions for eBay. It is satisfying in that it makes me extra money and i am finally getting rid of some of my useless shitty shit, but it is also pretty boring. But you know what's not boring most of the time if you choose your programming wisely? TV!

I am going to go in order from oldest to newest, so: hey i finally watched the final three episodes of Pushing Daisies!

A funny thing happened once the show got officially cancelled: i got really appreciative of all the material that was left, so the final couple of episodes that i watched on the air made me more sentimental than they rightfully should have. It increased my love for the characters and universe far more than i would have expected. (this phenomenon is probably a huge contributing factor to my love of Firefly!) So watching these last episodes was oddly comforting, like all the pretty bright colors and broad sugary quirkiness are a cozy warm blanket. I don't know, i can't quite explain it.

The OTHER thing that happened is that i started shipping Ned and Olive LIKE A CRAZYPERSON. (the pie contest episode = amazing. partners!!!!!!!!!!!!) This is odd because i started out shipping Ned and Chuck and it actually took a while for Olive to grow on me. Now, however, Chuck kind of annoys me and Olive is THE BEST and maaaaaan i wish there were a satisfying way for her to get over Ned (David Arquette = unsatisfying) but instead i keep wishing for him to grow feelings for her??! THEY'RE SWEENEY TODD AND MRS. LOVETT, AND I ROOT FOR MRS. LOVETT TO GET WHAT SHE WANTS CAUSE SHE'S AWESOME.

The tacked-on ending was super lame and i wish they had just left it with Chuck and Ned at Lily and Vivian's door (as i'm assuming it was supposed to end). Blech. I loved the Lily and Vivian backstory in the final episode though, as i think Lily is one of the most interesting and tragic characters on the show.

I just realized they never got to do a proper season finale, did they? Since the first season got cut short by the strike, and the second season got cancelled. Well that's shitty.

I'd kind of forgotten how painfully attractive Lee Pace is. I'VE MISSED THAT MOST OF ALL. :(

True Blood

I don't actually have much to say about the finale since it was a whole week ago now and it didn't have much impact on me. Apparently the pattern is that True Blood season finales are pretty anticlimactic and mostly setup for the next season. The Bill/Sookie dinner and proposal scene made me want to puke my eyeballs out and then eat them and puke them out again. And Sookie was saying yes! To his proposal! (because she loves shiny diamonds? WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK WAS THAT YOU BRAINLESS MORON) So she will actually care about getting him back and we have to tolerate more of their awful, awful romance! GOD I HOPE IT FALLS APART NEXT SEASON. I kind of vaguely know the haps from mentions of book spoilers, but the show is so in love with Bill that i am fearful. Of, you know, BARFING. FOREVER.

Uhhhh ranting about Bill and Sookie was not why i wanted to talk about True Blood. The thing i WANTED to mention was: JESSICA AND HOYT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. If she had only done what she was lying to Bill about and gone to reunite with Hoyt everything would have been perfect! But instead she chose the path of darkness and doom and sadness and OUR PRECIOUS PRECIOUS BABIES HAVE LOST THEIR JOYOUS INNOCENCE FOREVER. Actually i kind of am excited about angsty drama with them because i am a masochist, but still. PAINFUL. I love them. ;___;

Needs. more. ERIC.

Parks & Recreation

"Everyone is just who they are, and who they are is just stone-cold gay."




Ha ha, this episode was like "HI NEW VIEWERS!!!!!" I actually thought it was kinda lame, but it had some good moments, namely Olivia getting thrown out the windshield of an unoccupied, motionless vehicle, and Peter/Olivia. Aw. Did Josh Jackson get hotter between seasons?? IDK, i have actually never cared much about Peter, uh, at all, but that guy may be growing on me. (true facts: i had a huuuuuge crush on him in the Dawson's Creek glory days [i only ever watched like the first one and a half seasons of that show! and i did not ship Pacey/Joey! HA] but then i stopped caring, but now Josh Jackson: becoming more attractive to me again i guess!) ANYWAY, hospital scene right before Olivia woke up: maybe the first time i have really REALLY been into Peter/Olivia! FEELINGS

I was sad Olivia didn't have any good material in this episode because all the awesomeness of her going to the parallel world got totally put on hold. Amnesia is such a BUZZKILL.

Aw, Charlie. :( I had always expected them to kill him off at some point because as a secondary character that is a constant concern, and then obviously i think everybody had heard about all that "CHARLIE IS GOING BYE BYE" drama anyway, so... not surprising. But still sad. I liked Charlie/Olivia. :/

Hahahahaahaaaaaa X-Files on the tv at the beginning. UH, YOU DON'T NEED TO REMIND ME OF YOUR DERIVATIVENESS, FRINGE. I thought we had moved past this! All that did was make me think of XF similarities for the whole rest of the episode, like in dramatic hospital scenes, and shapeshifting, and shutting down the division, and oh my goodness it is just like things i have seen in the '90s on some other show!

New girl is... new! My entire impression of her was that she looks like Punky Brewster.

Mad Men

I hate that i am incapable of talking about this show, since the way i comment on tv shows is all CAPSLOCK and EXCLAMATIONS OF PRETTINESS when Mad Men deserves so much more. I don't do "intelligent analysis". :/ That being said, i feel that i would be remiss to not even mention that I LOVE THIS SHOW. All the time! More and more! It is so beautiful it makes my heart hurt. Last week's brief cutaway to the shot of Sally wiping the blood on her face was gorgeous and kind of disturbing and i know this isn't the point but Sally Draper is a badass. Her development is thrilling for me (despite it also being super depressing!).

Something unexpected has happened to me since last season. Well, i suppose it was growing for a while, but: i love Pete Campbell. He's so hateable, and that's all i really felt about him at first, even though i knew the deeper interesting meanings of him being a creepy freak, but i didn't quite appreciate it. But now i love him because a) he is one of the greatest sources of comedy on the show (DANCING. EVERY TIME PETE CAMPBELL DANCES AN ANGEL GETS ITS WINGS), b) he's a fantastically sympathetic [BUT STILL CRAZY] villain, and c) he's so sad. :( I hate him and i love him and he annoys me and he amuses me. He is great. PETE CAMPBELL!

Oh and also last season's finale made me ship Pete and Peggy kind of! I was just so surprised by Pete telling her he loves her and i am still confused about his feelings toward her but it intrigues me. So when they got all bickery in the last episode i was like, aw. Those two. (fun fact: bitter exes are kind of MY FAVORITE.) BUT. I am going to tell you a secret. Deep down, in my heart of hearts, for reasons even i cannot fully grasp, i ship Peggy and......................................... Ken Cosgrove. ...........................Yeah. It dates back to when they cast that radio spot together in season one. That's, uh... that's pretty much all there is to it. I love Kenny, man, i don't even know. He has hidden depths! I'm an idiot! IT ALL ADDS UP. Plus they're both single which is a refreshing change of pace from constant adultery. So anyway. That's my ridiculous fanon thing. ~*~THE MORE YOU KNOW~*~

Last night's episode was CRAZY. I could not actually believe that the foot mowing had really happened. There are a lot of times when i get bad feelings about things and then i'm like "oh, right, it's Mad Men, not regular tv." and whatever drama i'm expecting would just be way too nutty. So i gotta say that FOOT MOWING and blood spattering the walls and employees of Sterling Cooper was not really on my list of things i ever imagined i'd see on this show. (SUP, HATERS, YOU THINK MAD MEN IS BORING? LAWNMOWING A FOOT OFF! MOWIN' IT RIGHT OFF!) And oh my god, "He could lose his foot!" "Right when he got it in the door." ROGER STERLING, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. I laughed so hard. Roger hasn't had much to do this season but by god he gets the best one-liners.

JOOOOOOOOAN. What is she going to do now??? I kept expecting for her to get her job back somehow, even though it would be really awkward, but it never happened. I don't want Joan to work anywhere besides Sterling Cooper. :( Unless of course this frees her to move up in the business world the way she was never allowed to but has always had the potential and skill for. UGH, I AM VERY STRESSED OUT ABOUT THIS. Anyway the nice thing was that it was a great Joan episode and it gave us one-on-one interactions with Joan and Peggy AND Joan and Don (THOSE ARE SOME OF MY FAVORITE COMBINATIONS!!!).

Right when the episode was over i tuned back to the Emmys just in time to catch the end of Matthew Weiner's acceptance speech for the show's Best Drama win. :D :D :D

TANGENT: speaking of the Emmys! Way to be original, dudes! 30 Rock, Mad Men, and The Amazing Race. SHOCKING. I mean those are all things i love and want to win, but nonetheless it gets soooooo booooooooooring when the same stuff wins over and over again. But hooray for Michael Emerson (!!!!!!!BENRY!!!!!!!!!!) and Kristin Chenoweth! I kind of wish i had seen more of the show just because from what i saw of NPH he was fucking awesome, but i caught most of the good stuff on youtube anyway and awards shows are terrible and boring, so. Maybe not. NPH, THOUGH! <3 <3 <3 Oh and the Dr. Horrible segment made me super happy even though i am not the biggest fan of Dr. Horrible. (i am, however, a big fan of the Dr. Horrible cast and creators!)

true blood, pushing daisies, fringe, mad men, parks & recreation

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