who do you think is gonna rise when hell is full?

Aug 28, 2009 03:21

Ugh, you guys, once again i haven't read lj in like two months; as soon as i get a little behind on my friends list, it snowballs into being... a lot behind. (plus in internet time two months seems like two yeeeears.) On the one hand i'm trying to waste less of my life on the internet, but on the other hand i don't like missing out on fandom and what you guys are up to and i feel like an asshole whenever i go AWOL-- which, let's face it, is pretty much all the time. :/ Balancing real life and internet life: I AM NOT GOOD AT IT.

True Blood


I was on vacation and just caught up on the past two episodes (bonus: it is freaking fantastic to be able to watch one right after another). I don't want there to only be two episodes left, but it also means CLIMACTIC EVENTS, so.

UH OH SOOKIE/ERIC. I feel so cheated by dream sequences, but on the other hand as soon as they interact again in real life for more than two seconds it's gonna be GREAT. Although i'd like to skip past all of Bill's righteous indignation and possessiveness. :P JUST GET TO MORE NAKED ERIC AND MAKEOUTS, THX.

Eric begging Godric not to kill himself was so sad. I kind of wish Godric could've stuck around longer because he was such a rational force for human-vampire relations, buuuuut that's precisely why he couldn't stick around longer i guess. Seriously though dude, way to be emo about getting fired. "FINE! I'M GONNA BURN MYSELF TO DEATH! I'LL SHOW YOU WHO'S FIRED!"

Jason and Sookie reconciling was a really nice scene, i gotta say. The last Stackhouses, aw. They're so precious. And seriously, Jason Stackhouse: SUDDENLY SUPER HILARIOUSLY AWESOME. He really turned over a new leaf as soon as the Fellowship of the Sun thing went south. Now he wields chainsaws and pretends to be a god! :D :D :D

"Smite me, motherfucker!" AHAHAHA SAM. I kept wondering why he didn't shapeshift any number of times in order to escape, but he saved it for a very strategically excellent move! Good job Sam! Almost the entirety of Bon Temps being zombies really serves to increase the awesomeness of all the unaffected main characters (i particularly love drunkard Andy Bellefleur!). The mini horror movie that's going on is DELIGHTFUL.

Terry wins for actually still being great in possessed zombie form, albeit working for the forces of evil. OH, TERRY.

JESSICA/HOYT DOOMWATCH: GETTING THERE. D: Man, if she kills his mom that is gonna be ROUGH. And dammit i keep loving them more and more! They are so wonderful and pretty! I am still amazed that i never noticed Hoyt was hot before this season, but newsflash: HE IS. Jeeeeeeeeez.

true blood

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