this movie is TERRIBLE.

Oct 10, 2007 01:22


Ahahahaha, Peter and Claire's simultaneous new love interests just make me imagine the writers saying ".....oh shit. QUICK, LET'S GET THEM AS FAR APART AS POSSIBLE AND HOOK THEM UP WITH OTHER PEOPLE." Peter and the Irish chick is maybe even lamer than Claire and West. And i didn't think that could happen. GOD, HEROES. Why do you suck so hard at traditional romantic pairings? Please just stick to Petrellicest and Mohinder being a big gay rainbow. :D

Are they even trying to play Matt and Mohinder as NOT married? I was watching that scene and thinking "...i don't know how to view this as though they are both straight. It is just not happening."

Why is Hiro doomed to fall in love with girls he can't be with while he is time-traveling? That is sad. I suppose there is always his true love Ando, waiting for him at home like a sailor's wife waits at shore. But anyway Hiro and the princess is pretty cute, it's very Peter Parker/Spider-Man/MJ or Clark/Superman/Lois. Hiro's adorableness is what sells it!

WAIT, SO DL DIED ANYWAY?!? They could have just killed him off when he was actually supposed to die in last season's penultimate episode, but then they had him walk around for forever some more and made it seem like he was fine! Lame.

Whyyyyyyyy did i have to be right about the season premiere??? This season is so frickin boring and disjointed so far. Ugh. I hate Peter with the Irish jerks the most. Also, Mohinder with Hey It's That Guy. Also, obnoxious douchey stalker West and his douchey name.

IF HRG DIES I AM GOING TO BE SO PISSED. The one really good thing about this episode was the very end of the last scene. Aw, Claire and HRG back to being sneaky and distrustful. :(

Prison Break

I did not watch last week's episode and only had this week's on in the background. I saw enough to know that SARA'S HEAD WAS IN THE BOX, YOU FUCKS. Actually it made me more sad than angry. 1) That is not surprising at all, yeah, i liked the movie Seven too! and 2) What a friggin terrible disservice to an awesome character. Everything Sara was and her kickassness and Michael/Sara and their amazingness in s2... all reduced to a cheap, gross shock. I mean, i guess it's better that it's a definitive end and not just disappearing and never coming back? But it still sucks. I don't know, there is really just no good way to handle an actor leaving a show when their character hasn't run its course. I really would like to just pretend that the show ended with Michael, Sara, and Linc leaving on the boat at the end of last season's finale, but then that negates the greatness of Michael giving himself up FOR SARA and that awesome house scene. Argh. Either way, it's so disappointing that it came to this.

So i guess that's it for me bothering to watch anymore! The first two episodes of this season bored me and the show has run out of steam in a big way. (oh wow, you're all in prison together! ...again! in a different country! that's... nice. IT IS SO SAD THAT T-BAG BECAME SUCH A NUISANCE, remember how awesomely fucking gross and evil he was in s1? sigh.) The Sara thing really brings into focus how pointless it's all become. I'll maybe put it on in the background while i do other shit since there's nothing i want to watch Mondays at 8; i tend to have a hard time giving up shows that i've watched for a while no matter how much they annoy me, but when it's all boring crap and one of the best main characters is gone for good, i just can't bring myself to care.

HEY REMEMBER KELLERMAN?!? I keep coming back to how much i loved that guy! He was so amazing last season! DANG. Kellerman and Michael/Sara were the beeeeest things about s2. And now two out of three of those characters are dead. ........ :/ :/ :/ I still can't believe they got so much perfect development out of Michael and Sara's relationship while they were apart for nearly the entire season. And it absolutely never felt forced! HOW DID THEY DO THAT??! OH MY GOODNESS, remember when we used to see Michael's tattoos??? FRICK. One of the lamest things about this season (oh, there are a lot of them!) is that Michael is strolling around in Panama sweating all over the place and WEARING LONG-SLEEVED SHIRTS because they are too lazy/cheap to put on his tattoos. Of course they have no function in the story anymore, but guess what! He still has them! And they are awesome! Sometimes a guy just wants to roll up his sleeves or take off his shirt! I can see him crying in the shower wearing a long-sleeved shirt. Michael is a never-nude.

SIGH. Now i can't stop reminiscing about season one. Michael got his toes cut off and did origami and snuck around cozy old Fox River and Sara was just lady doctor and there was Abruzzi and Westmoreland and Pope and LOL Veronica and Linc was always one step away from getting executed and Michael was always one step away from getting caught but not in an annoying way like in s2! And also there was that time he went swimming. THOSE WERE THE DAYS.


Wilson is really bringing the comedy this season!

I'm enjoying everything a lot so far, i was wary of the team being gone (as i'm sure everyone was) but it's good fun! I've never been super duper invested in this show, it's just an entertaining hour out of my week and then i forget about it until next time. Which i guess is probably the average non-fandom person's approach to television. Must be nice!

Olivia Wilde is so pretty. 13 is my favorite! Also Kal Penn and old dude.

Cameron and Chase and Foreman all seem so grown-up and experienced now compared to the new kids. :D I particularly love this Chase! Even Cameron seems cool when seen only briefly on the periphery of events! Ugh, her blonde hair is gross. She used to look so good with really dark hair and then it got lighter and lighter and uglier and uglier. WHY DO THEY ALWAYS DO THAT?!??!? Cordelia Chase, i'm looking at you.


...stiiiiill going through s2. I got way behind. :/ I'm almost done now though! I don't want to be! It's such a happy funny show and it comforts me. Alone in the night. As i weep. ........Ha ha, i mean, uh!

EVERY SINGLE TIME Marshall and Lily call each other Marshmallow and Lilypad i get a kick out of it. Those are the cleverest pet names in the world! Also: Barney calling himself Barnacle. ALTHOUGH NOTHING BEATS SWARLEY. Ol' Swarls.

Ted and the bikini girl shirt in Atlantic City!!!! THE BEST.

I wish i hadn't been spoiled about Robin Sparkles from, like, EVERY SOURCE IMAGINABLE, buuut that still didn't compare to actually seeing it. AMAZING. There are no words to do it justice.

BUFFY ALUMNI WATCH: the Mayor!! In the Christmas episode as Ted's mom's boyfriend! Heyyyyyy.

I loved the Fiero episode! Except now "I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)" is stuck in my head. Ted teaching Barney to drive cracked me the hell up. Also, COLLEGE TED IS GREAT. His curly fro hair! "MY SPECTACLES!" Hahahahaaaaa. Sometimes i love Ted A LOT. One of my favorite recurring details is that he really loves old pennies! :D

Barney reading the Top Ten list at the end of Moving Day was awesome. The little Letterman impersonations! Oh man, his play. Marshall's second slap coming out of NOWHERE! "That was two." AMAZING, seven episodes after Slap Bet. I love it. The "moist" thing made me think of Dead Like Me; for some reason that is one of the things i always remember from that show.

ROBIN/BARNEY WATCH: Robin not wearing any makeup and Barney being taken aback and telling her she's beautiful! ODDLY ADORABLE. Her shiny hair and her boob-shaped boobs!

FYI, i sing along to the theme song every time. BAA babaBABAAAA ba ba ba baaaah ba baaah da dadadadadadadada daaaaaah


heroes, house, himym, prison break

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