jets are like comets at sunset

Mar 05, 2007 02:41

This episode was cool. I actually felt invested in it, which is something i haven't felt for BSG in a while. By about the second Kara/Lee scene, i was all "wait... are these scenes actually GOOD??" There was a lot of stuff that was totally not cheesy! Kara's interaction with Lee and the scene with Adama and Roslin (so say we all!) actually felt sort of season one-ish. It was nice.



Honestly, for as much as i get friggin' emotional about tv shows, that did not affect me at all. Because i kept thinking, okay, either she's a Cylon (WRONG.) or they're going to bring her back in a way that is lame. "Oh, here's Kara, she's an ANGEL now!! And she pilots a silver rainbow sparkle Viper from Heaven!" i being too cynical? Bringing characters back from the dead tends to be dumb. :/ She better have escaped that explosion somehow. Magically.

Anyway, Kara was so pretty the whole time! She looked gorgeous as heck when she was sitting in her bunk with Anders. And speaking of gorgeous, HELLO VIPERS FLYING THROUGH CLOUDS AND BLUE SKY AWESOME AWESOME AWWWESOOOME. That brought me such huge, enormous amounts of glee, you don't even know. I... uhm... spaceships are SO COOL.

I've never been of the Kara/Leoben shipping persuasion, but... wow. That first scene was totally hot.

Kara's mom is a jerk!

Lee seeing Kara's Viper explode makes me sad.

They didn't show a preview for next week with the midnight re-air (i always forget to watch at 10! dang.) so the end of this for me was basically "okay, Kara is dead, SEE YA!" Ha ha, thanks guys!

battlestar galactica

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