so it's come to this.

Feb 22, 2007 01:58

American Idol

This is the first time i've ever watched any amount of American Idol beyond like, half an episode. I have stuck with it the WHOLE WAY so far! This is big for me. My main problem that has kept me from watching in the past is that i get SO BORED by the performances; even if they're songs i like, it always ends up sounding like lame karaoke or generic lounge acts to me and i can't stand to watch it for any extended amount of time.

Anyway. LAKISHA I LOVE YOU. I've loved all her auditions, but it took me till like the end of Hollywood Week to pick her out as my favorite. And tonight, goddamn, she brought it. And she seems so gracious and soft-spoken and adorable! Love love love. I also loved Stephanie and Melinda and Jordin, and Gina was pretty good.

Chris Sligh has been my favorite of the guys since his first audition, because he is funny and he can sing too! Or he can sing and is funny too. I GUESS IT'S A SINGING COMPETITION, WHATEVER. I was actually pretty impressed with Beatboxing Blake last night, i didn't think he could do actual... singing. Good for him!

Simon entertains me a lot. I like that guy, he keeps it real.

I do not like that i have to rely on America to vote for the right people. I foresee this being a source of great frustration for me.


Jack. Oh, Jack. Dear, sweet Dr. Jack. WHY ARE YOU SUCH A DUMB SLUT?

Seriously, i really don't know what bothers me the most about his progressively-more-annoying flashbacks: his terrible taste in women, or the fact that he acts like a crazy douchebag? What happened to you, man? You used to be cool.

Bai Ling didn't bother me quite as much as i thought she would, but i mean, she's still Bai Ling, and her boobs were still all over my tv screen. It's like saying "compared to George W. Bush being president, Paris Hilton being a celebrity really doesn't bother me that much!" LOSE/LOSE. Whatever, it's not like i'd even know who she is if it weren't for Oh No They Didn't and Go Fug Yourself. LOL INTERNET.

I still really like Juliet, and even though i feel a little uneasy with the overt Jack/Juliet shippiness starting up, i'm okay with it. I just... seriously, has he had the most romantic involvements of anyone on the show? Oh no, well, i guess there's Kate and Sawyer and their respective track records. It sure is pretty obnoxious! Yeesh.

I am A-OK with the implication that Kate feels guilty about leaving Jack because she loves him the most, though. I don't even know why i still ship them, but... i... do. WHAT AM I GETTING OUT OF THIS RELATIONSHIP? It's a mystery.

Oh man, despite hating, like, this whole episode, the last few minutes were PRETTY. Jack in the gorgeous lens-flared orange sunset light on the beach, and on the boat looking at the sky at night, and all that dang slow-mo junk-- it was nice. Other than that, so much for any good feelings toward Lost that last week inspired. LAMENESS: RESTORED.

lost, american idol

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