What is this? AN AWESOME EPISODE??! I'm confused.
But seriously, folks. That was so cool. Time travel and fate and alternate universes and notions of heroicism and hey Final Destination i actually really liked that movie! And i think, since last season's finale, Desmond has become my favorite character. I mean, next to Jack! .......But also possibly more than Jack? HE IS JUST SO PERFECT AND AWESOME AND CRAZY AND AWESOME! In a way, he is a little bit like Jack 2.0, without the questionable taste in women and self-righteousness. LOL Jack. I still love you, you retard.
Anyway, Desmond has very much been on his own journey, separate from aaaaalllll the other castaways, and i think that's what's kind of refreshing about him. Or maybe i just think that because this episode was ALL DESMOND'S HERO'S JOURNEY ALL THE TIME. :D
Penny is a very, very wonderful name, made even more wonderful because she is Penelope to Desmond's Odysseus. (heeee leeeeeeeft on a booooooooat.) OH, ALLUSIONS.
I also love Desmond re-enacting the beginning of White Rabbit in Jack's role as the swimming superhero! Oh, heroic dudes. ♥ I'm kind of interested to rewatch that one Charlie episode from last season where he had the vision of swimming to save Aaron or whatever? Jeez Charlie, maybe the island is trying to tell you to learn how to swim!
It seemed like this episode went by crazy fast. Probably because the flashback was just one big extended thing, and also i guess that's what happens when you are actually entertained.
The Office
The first shot of her standing in front of her art sort of pulled at my heartstrings. She looked so adorable. And then, well... OH, PAM. She just wanted somebody to be proud of her, to notice at all, and it's unexpected and yet makes so much sense for it to have been Michael to give her what she needed. They've had so many little moments of understanding this season that are just amazing. Michael has such incredible, naive sincerity, and in the rare entirely unobnoxious times that that shows through, it's so easy to love him. And man, the way he talked about the picture- that place is his home and those people are his family, and how can that be obsolete?
Roy is trying SO HARD (the prettiest art of all the art!), but it's obvious that Pam/Roy is going to end up (/already is) exactly the same as before. Which is painful. Trying will wear off after a while, and what's left is just not enough.
I'm so glad that Jim didn't show up at the art show (despite wanting him to!) because yes. Not after last week and the hypothetical "fuck you" heard round the world. ........Even though it makes me sad that he wouldn't even go as a friend. I know he is not at that place right now, but... friends, you guys! Buddies! Pals! A long time ago, you used to be friends! Come on now sugar! Bring it on bring it on, yeah! HA HA ANYWAY. I am happy to get a break from the Jim/Pam dramarama. Whew. Tiring!
Seeing a mediocre student art show on tv gives me a bit of an uncomfortableness. TOO CLOSE TO HOME, OFFICE. TOO CLOSE. Give me some space, i'm suffocating!
I think my favorite part of the Jim-as-vampire bit was the upturned collar at the end. Also, staring at Dwight's neck, FROM WHERE DWIGHT WOULDN'T EVEN BE ABLE TO SEE HIM. That Jim! He got it ALL.
Dwight the Vampire Slayer + Karen the Jim Slayer = ??????????
TOOOOOOOOBYYYYYY. I'm so glad the crush is still there, but abandoning Sasha for Pam? Oh, Toby, you nut!
"Chunky." I died. Forever.
So, dude, was Pam drawing her hand when she was at her desk? I think my fic got, like, the opposite of Jossed! LOL tape dispenser! It's a series.