Mar 24, 2005 15:37
So i went to best buy yesterday because finially i had everything i needed to get my cd player installed into my car. i had the wire harness on my cd player, which i was told was the right one, i had the dash kid, which a BEST BUY worker told me that 100 percent would work for my cadillac even thought i wanted him to come look at my car to make sure, and i had everything set in place. So i went yesterday and it turns out that they misscheduled something so an hour was open at 3 for me to come in and have this taken care of. So i hand my car over to the trusted people at best buy and they look at everything and tell me i was lied to on the right wire harness and the wrong dash kit. and they said that i was a filthy stinking liar untill i came in and showed my receipt for buying that harness kit. which i dont have beacause i baught that like a million years ago. and they didnt believe me one single bit that a best buy worker would do something like sell me the wrong product so now im going to go stab someone in the fucking eye because i barely came up with the money to have this shit installed and now they are like fuck you pay some more money because we are fuck sticks!!! WHICH MEANS I AM GOING TO GO FUCKING MURDER EVERYONE IN THE WHOLE GOD DAMN WORLD!!!!! not really. im just pissed right now becuase i just ran though my fucking room and cant find that god damn reciept. so now that i have wanted some musical something for my fucking car and now that i have been deprived of something to make my car sound better i think i might go out and buy some new rear speakers. but even then it wont sound really any good because i dont have a god damn cd player installed or fuck best buy for life now and in a bit im gunna go to cyclone sterio and get ready to be anally raped by them and have them put it in because it is vary clear that they have no fucking clue what they are talking about. so fuck everyone in the world with a rusty spoon.