just another installment of mindless chatter

Mar 29, 2005 14:48

So it feels good to be back in the good ol dmacc again! new shit is happening and old shit is starting up again. Its good to get that shit back into its groove and everyone getting back into there places. lets see....what did i do on spring break...... Oh i worked for my dad on monday tuesday and wedensday and that was pretty awsome and cool. i got to spend some time with that old bastard and get some good ass meals while i was at it. and every morning i totally got to eat at hardees and that was freakin sweet! (HARDEES COME BACK....I LOVE YOUR BREAKFAST SELECTION!)then on wedensday i came back from missuori and while i was there, i came up with a new story idea that i am giong to present to my comp II teacher so i can get some sweet ass extra credit on that shiznite and if she thinks its any good shes gunna help me try and get it published or get a publisher to look at it and pay me to you know expand it and make it into a book or something. it would be a great start on my writting and i thank her for that push. even if the story sucks and it doesnt go anywhere it at least is more than what anyone else has offered or anything. so im pretty tired and there is a girl staring at me from accross the computer lab. and its pissing me off! she needs to keep her eyes to herself! i know im crazy hott and all but you dont have to stare(im not really that hott at all..infact shes probably staring because im dirty[i havent showered today]but stilli wanted to add one of these things because everyone else is doing it) actually! wait i know that person...she is that one girls roomate....the one that was actually hott out of a group of not so hott ones....OH DEAR GOD!!! the not so hott one is right outside talking on her phone and i sure hope she doesnt see me because she will come over here and talk to me and read what i am writting and if she does that she will know i am writting about HER because she would have read what i just wrote and she will apply it to waht she is doing so whoa! that was just a little to heavy for me to comprehend right now...ive got to sit down.....umm if i wasnt already.
so on a completely not weird subject i(like everyone else) was gunna guess scabies on J's thing because i had it once....HA NOT LIKELY! i havent been with many sexual partners nor am i around people that are dirty...OH SHIT!!!!! EVERYONE THAT I AM AROUND ON A REGULAR BASIS IS DIRTY! (yes thats right...you know who you are)!! holy shit im gunna get a case of the bumpies because of all of you! well that it! mandatory showering once a day and teeth brushing for all! oh and dont forget new CLEAN clothes every day because no scabies are getting me! even if they cant climb up into my tree house of a bed, im not having that shit on my arm. wait...i dont follow most of what i just said. well except for the teeth brushing. i do that shit every day because i dont want my teeth to fall out of my head and you know then i have to gum shit to death just to eat it. well im i try and shower every day and usually my clothes are fresh and new. well enough with that subject im..........done.
well that leaves only one thing left to tell eveyrone in the world...

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