This is the post to which you should be commenting in order to Second a story!
To second, make a list of all the stories you like and post that list in a comment to this post.
Also, if you see things you particularly like the look of and are excited by any particular category, then think about becoming a Judge for the awards. You can find a post about Judging
here. If you are new or just have forgotten how seconding will work, please skim over the
Rules and Regs again. However, here is the summary of what needs to be done...
1) ALL STORIES, no matter how many stories are in the category, REQUIRE A SECOND. This is a quality control kinda thing, just to make sure that the story is supported by more than one member of the community. :-)
2) IF THERE ARE MORE THAN SEVEN STORIES IN A CATEGORY, we need to make that category smaller. Therefore, the seven stories with the most seconds (i.e. the most people who comment below and name the story as something they want to see in the next round) will go through to the next round!
All categories have the nominations listed with numbers attached to them, so it'll be easy to see what categories are over-sized because they'll have more than 7 nominations in them!
Also, for the purposes of the awards, threesome fics have been listed as 'slash' because:
1) slash-content may be given as a reason for people omitting a category in their voting
2) there were not many of them, and without doing this they wouldn't have been able to run in the Awards.
If anyone thinks this needs to be changed, please contact Angel Mischa so that we can discuss how categories may possibly be re-arranged. Categories that were too small and didn't make it through to this stage can be viewed
here. Please take a look at them, read them, rec them at TNL, etc. They're great stories, we just didn't have enough nominations for every category!
The Age Line: Best Slash PWP
1. bluestocking79 -
Come Undone - SS/RL/LE - NC17 - Complete
2. amightypenguin -
A Rose Never Smelled This Sweet - R/H - R - Complete
3. SoftObsidian74 -
Bound by Duty - R/D/Hr/H - NC-17 - WIP
4. ty.soglasna -
A Certain Flair for Business - FW/GW - NC-17 - Complete
5. violet Gallagher -
A Million Years Ago - SB/JP - R - Complete
The Age Line: Best SS/HG PWP
1. mazzy -
GeeLicious - NC17 - Complete
2. melusin_79 -
Professor Snape in the Bedroom with the Chocolate Ice Cream - NC17 - Complete
3. lulabelle72 -
An Unreasonable Man - R - WIP
4. LizzyAnn -
Phlebotonum - NC17 - Complete
5. Chivalric -
Unkissed - NC17 - Complete
The Age Line: Best D/Hr PWP
1. kate04 -
Trouble - NC17 - Complete
2. StarKneazle -
The Education of Miss Granger - NC-17 - WIP
3. Eminite -
52 Ways to Please Your Partner - NC17 - Complete
4. all_fics -
The Office - NC17 - Complete
The Age Line: Best Het PWP
1. NixItAll -
Inked - SB/HG - NC17 - Complete
2. humbuggirl -
A Perfectly Professional Relationship - G/OW - R - Complete
3. dynonugget -
One Night - H/Hr - R - Complete
4. Ficklepen -
The One Far Above - BW/Hr - R - Complete
5. Snape_Goddess -
Girl Talk - HG/LM - NC-17 - Complete
Alohamora: Best SS/HG Mystery/Suspense
1. julymorning -
By Flash and Thunder Fire - NC17 - Complete
2. lariope -
Second Life - NC17 - WIP
3. notplainjane -
Immunity - PG13 - WIP
4. Lizard23 -
Requiem of a Dream - PG13 - WIP
5. Persevero -
One of Our Elves is Missing - NC-17 - WIP
Alohamora: Best D/Hr Mystery/Suspense
1. Zaliassa.Salistia -
Ruled by Secrecy - R - Complete
2. Jenwryn -
Pigeons & Crumbs - PG13 - Complete
3. Hanako A -
Ambition's End - R - WIP
4. nikkilicious377 -
Temptations - R - Complete
Amortentia: Best SS/HG Romance
1. madqueenmab -
The Properties of Silver - PG13 - WIP
2. machshefa -
In Dreams - R - Complete
3. Hayseed -
Ordinary People - R - Complete
4. lariope -
Second Life - NC17 - WIP
5. Michmak -
She Never Stops Talking - R - Complete
6. Mia Madwyn -
Care of Magical Creatures - NC17 - WIP
7. lulabelle72 -
An Unreasonable Man - R - WIP
8. the0lyn -
Patrimony - R - Complete
9. Camillo -
Good as Gold - R - WIP
10. Lizard23 -
Requiem of a Dream - PG13 - WIP
11. Zeegrindylows -
De Profundis - PG13 - WIP
12. Machshefa -
The Couch - PG13 - Complete
Amortentia: Best Slash Romance
1. drachenmina -
Memoria Secludo - SS/HP - NC17 - Complete
2. twistedm -
Invaluable - D/H - NC17 - Complete
3. strickens_girl -
For Those Left Behind - R/D - R - Complete
Amortentia: Best D/Hr Romance
1. la_rubinita -
The Beast Within - R - WIP
2. AnasellaEmm -
A Wonderful Caricature of Intimacy - R - WIP
3. emm718 -
cake - NC-17 - Complete
4. AnneM.Oliver -
An Unlikely Pair - PG13 - Complete
5. Desdiamonds -
Could We Start Again, Please? - PG13 - WIP
6. Crookshanks -
Beneath Your Window - PG13 - Complete
7. Crookshanks -
What If You Could Have Wished Me Away - R - Complete
8. Jenwryn -
Hypotheticals - PG - Complete
9. reetinkerbell -
What's Love Got To Do With It - PG13 - Complete
10. argosy -
Six Strings - PG - Complete
11. Wynn -
A Matter Of Balance - PG13 - Complete
12. Wynn -
Tension and Release - PG13 - Complete
13. Dynonugget -
How you need it - R - Complete
Amortentia: Best Femmeslash Romance
1. ty.soglasna -
Footsteps - Cho/Angelina - R - Complete
2. ty.soglasna -
Ubi Caritas - Pansy/Hermione - R - WIP
3. philalethia -
Strange Heart Beating - LE/NB - NC17 - Complete
4. labstractl -
It Could All Be So Simple - Hr/FD - R - WIP
Amortentia: Best Het Romance
1. celtmama/an_fhanai -
To The Victor Belong the Spoils - RL/NT - PG13 - Complete
2. bk03 -
Chance to Get it Right - H/Padma - PG13 - Complete
3. shallyshilly -
The Pie-Maker - Hr/GW - PG - Complete
4. tambrathegreat -
Forgiveness - SS/OC - PG13 - WIP
5. MinisterForMadness -
Together We Are One - Lily/James - PG13 - Complete
6. Lexigirl -
Obviously Right - James/Lily - PG13 - WIP
7. LaSeraphita -
Love & Loyalty: Book I (Love) - Lucius/Narcissa - PG - WIP
8. Ficklepen -
The One Far Above - Bill/Hermione - R - Complete
9. Wicked Wench -
Brilliant Disguise - SS/OC - R - Complete
10. Weirdly -
The Zabini Tradition - Blaise/Ginny - PG13 - Complete
11. Emerald Riddle -
Dare Devil - Pansy/Harry - PG - Complete
Amortentia: Best D/G Romance
1. Lyndsie Fenele -
Closed: Life Through a Lens - DM/G - PG13 - Complete
2. Persephone33 -
The Infirmary - PG - Complete
3. Embellished -
Blue Christmas - PG13 - Complete
4. R_Ravenclaw -
With Time, Passes All - PG13 - WIP
5. Contextual -
Photobooth - PG - Complete
6. Turkish -
Friday Night - PG13 - Complete
7. Tamloid14 -
Do Ya Love Me? - PG13 - Complete
8. Yunnage -
I Potato You - PG - Complete
9. Embellished -
In Vino Veritas - PG13 - Complete
10. Embellished -
Vancouver - PG13 - Complete
11. Embellished -
Unexpected Consequences - PG13 - Complete
Avada Kedavra: Best Dark!Fic
1. kingpig -
Conversations - SS/HG - R - WIP
2. Zaliassa.Salistia -
Ruled by Secrecy - D/Hr - R - Complete
3. Jade_Orchid -
Wrapped Around Your Finger - SS/HG - NC-17 - Complete
4. dynonugget -
Obscurity - H/Hr - R - WIP
5. ty.soglasna -
Unforgivable - Bellatrix/Alice - R - WIP
6. Novocaine -
Ash-Shaytan - Gen - R - WIP
7. Battle of Lissa -
Vain Wisdom All and False Philosophy - SS/HG - NC-17 - WIP
8. GoddessofSnark -
To Reign in Hell - Gen - PG13 - Complete
9. Angel Mischa -
Another One For The Collection - Gen - R - Complete
Cave Inimicum: Best G-rated
1. juniperus -
The Language of Flowers - Gen - Complete
2. eoforyth -
Harry's Fortune - Gen - Complete
3. cecelle -
Literary Lives - SS/HG - Complete
4. Haraldzidla -
Ten Nice Things Draco Malfoy has Done for me - D/Hr - Complete
5. Angel Mischa -
Quiet At The Manor - NM/LM - complete
Cheering Charm: Best Fluff
1. sandstar08 -
A Little Hope - SS/HG - PG - Complete
2. AnneM.Oliver -
Arrogance and Ignorance - D/Hr - PG13 - Complete
3. Machshefa -
The Couch - SS/HG - PG13 - Complete
4. ty.soglasna -
Snowflake Theory - G/Hr - PG - Complete
5. ty.soglasna -
Communication - Fred/George - R - Complete
6. MinisterForMadness -
What Luna Did Next - Luna/Harry - PG - complete
7. MinisterForMadness -
A Little Less Romione, A Little More Harmony - H/Hr - PG - Complete
8. Crookshanks -
Never Forget To Remember - R/Hr - PG - Complete
Diffindo: Best SS/HG Angst
1. madqueenmab -
That Language He Has Never Spoken - NC17 - Complete
2. emmeline33 -
Anthem - R - WIP
3. Jezzie -
Anguissette - NC17 - Abandoned
4. thelasteuropean -
Burn Your Starry Crown - PG13 - Complete
5. MiaMadwyn -
Care of Magical Creatures - NC17 - WIP
6. machshefa -
In Dreams - R - Complete
7. Jade_Orchid -
Wrapped Around Your Finger - NC17 - Complete
8. Jenwryn -
Hermione Remade - PG13 - complete
9. lestatswife -
Even In Death - PG13 - Complete
Diffindo: Best SS/LE Angst
1. kittylefish -
Stealing Glances - PG13 - Complete
2. Odogodess -
Manifest Destiny - G - Complete
3. Jenwryn -
A Deft Hand At Charms - R - Complete
4. Darklyromantic -
Flesh, Blood, and Ink - PG - Complete
5. Erythros -
Untitled - PG - complete
Diffindo: Best Het Angst
2. fernwithy -
What She Deserved - Merope/Tom (Sr.) - PG13 - Complete
3. Jenwryn -
La Petite Mort - Diffindo - BL/SB - R - Complete
4. Jenwryn -
The Truth Is Rarely Pure - HG/SB - NC-17 - Complete
5. Anna Maria -
Constellography - G/H - R - Complete
6. EverVengeful -
The Man Who Loved Flowers - D/G - PG - Complete
7. Wicked Wench -
Brilliant Disguise - SS/OC - R - complete
8. MinisterForMadness -
Only Hope - Harry/Luna - PG - Complete
9. Zherotan -
Dying From The Inside Out - D/PP - PG13 - Complete
10. annuscka -
Comfort - Bella/Rodolphus - PG13 - Complete
Diffindo: Best Femmeslash Angst
1. ty.soglasna -
Footsteps - Cho/Angelina - R - Complete
2. ty.soglasna -
Curious - PP/MB - PG13 - Complete
3. philalethia -
Strange Heart Beating - LE/NB - NC17 - Complete
Diffindo: Best D/Hr Angst
1. inadaze22 -
Broken - R - WIP
2. la_rubinita -
The Beast Within - R - WIP
3. spadul -
La Meme Histoire - NC-17 - Complete
4. Dynonugget -
Falling Down - R - Complete
5. Dragonflies -
The beginning of Us - R - WIP
6. blue_movies -
All I Want - PG13 - Complete
7. Lady Cailin -
The Golden Path - R - WIP
Diffindo: Best Gen Angst
1. insanguinare -
To Rebuild - PG13 - Complete
2. perri -
Thine Own Self - PG13 - Complete
3. Bluebird88 -
Learning to Cope - PG13 - Complete
4. hobgoblin -
Lost Boys - PG13 - Complete
5. Espoir Noir -
Saying Goodbye - PG - Complete
6. mgle_teacher -
Shades of Grey - R - Complete
7. Tierfal -
Cornered - PG13 - Complete
8. Jenwryn -
Bleak Night - PG13 - Complete
9. Blacklotus -
Mirror, Mirror - PG13 - Complete
10. MillCityShaman -
Two Views - PG13 - complete
11. MinisterForMadness -
Listen - PG - complete
Engorgio: Best SS/HG WIP
1. lariope -
Second Life - NC17 - WIP
2. MiaMadwyn -
Care of Magical Creatures - NC17 - WIP
3. madqueenmab -
The Properties of Silver - PG13 - WIP
4. zeegrindylows -
De Profundis - PG13 - WIP
Engorgio: Best Slash WIP
1. draykonis -
Rock On - ASP/SM - PG13 - WIP
2. SoftObsidian74 -
Bound by Duty - R/D/Hr/H - NC-17 - WIP
3. ty.soglasna -
Communication - Fred/George - R - Complete
Engorgio: Best Femmeslash WIP
1. ty.soglasna -
Ubi Caritas - Pansy/Hermione - R - WIP
2. ty.soglasna -
Earphones - G/Hr - PG13 - WIP
3. labstractl -
It Could All Be So Simple - Hr/FD - R - WIP
Engorgio: Best D/Hr WIP
1. inadaze22 -
Broken - R - WIP
2. Carol Rodrick -
She Drives, He Walks - R - WIP
3. Gryffindorclutz -
We Can Work It Out - NC17 - WIP
4. AnasellaEmm -
A Wonderful Caricature of Intimacy - R - WIP
5. Hanako A -
Ambition's End - R - WIP
6. kate04 -
Happily Ever After - R - WIP
7. I can spell confusion with A K -
Just one - PG - WIP
8. dynonugget -
Longing Fullfilled - R - WIP
9. Blaqk -
Slaughter - D/Hr - NC-17 - Complete
Episkey: Best SS/HG Hurt/Comfort
1. thelasteuropean -
Burn Your Starry Crown - PG13 - Complete
2. machshefa -
In Dreams - R - Complete
3. pythia_delphi -
Sweet Child of Mine - PG - Complete
4. zeegrindylows -
De Profundis - PG13 - WIP
5. Elephas -
True Colors - PG13 - Complete
6. Battle of Lissa -
Vain Wisdom All and False Philosophy - NC-17 - WIP
Episkey: Best D/Hr Hurt/Comfort
1. sylphides -
Number The Stars - G - WIP
2. la_rubinita -
The Beast Within - R - WIP
3. spadul -
La Meme Histoire - NC17 - Complete
4. AnneM.Oliver -
A Regret to Belong - PG13 - Complete
Episkey: Best Slash Hurt/Comfort
1. ss lupin -
My Own Worst Enemy - D/H - R - Complete
2. k8matty -
Follow Me - Best Hurt/Comfort - SS/LM - NC17 - Complete
3. switchknife -
A Journey in Ten Lies - BW/RL - R - Complete
Episkey: Best Gen Hurt/Comfort
1. hobgoblin -
Lost Boys - PG13 - Complete
2. kilara25 -
The Guiltless - PG13 - Complete
3. marginaliana -
George and - PG - Complete
Episkey: Best Het Hurt/Comfort
1. Jenwryn -
Like A Brother - Episkey - Harry/Hermione - R - Complete
2. Tambrathegreat -
Forgiveness - PG13 - WIP
3. Malora -
Never Say Remember - PG13 - WIP
Finite Incantantem: Best SS/HG Drabble
1. moreteadk -
Pepper-up - G - Complete
2. ladyfancypants -
Shopping - G - Complete
3. cecelle -
Literary Lives - PG - Complete
4. Ferporcel -
Seduction Is - G - Complete
5. Fairfield -
Lomione - PG - Complete
6. lestatswife -
Even In Death - PG13 - Complete
Finite Incantantem: Best Drabble
1. drachenmina -
Common Interests - RL/SS - G - Complete
2. August Sky -
Accosted in the Doorway - D/H - R - Complete
3. ty.soglasna -
Filament - Narcissa/Bellatrix - PG - Complete
4. ty.soglasna -
White Robe - Bellatrix/Alice - PG - Complete
5. blacklotus -
Mirror, Mirror - Gen - PG13 - Complete
Geminio: Best Drabble Series
1. sc010f -
The Long Journey To Right - SS/HG - PG-13 - Complete
2. Bora -
Letting Go Is Never Easy - SS/HG - PG-13 - Complete
3. blacklotus -
Odi et Amo - Gen - PG-13 - Complete
4. Jenwryn -
Old Gold & Split Ink - D/Hr - PG13 - Complete
5. madqueenmab -
The F Word - SS/HG - R - Complete
6. pythia_delphi -
Sweet Child of Mine - SS/HG - PG - Complete
Gripping Charm: Best Gen Drama
1. Snegurochka Lee -
Five Women Who Hate Fleur Delacour - PG13 - Complete
2. starmom -
Trust and Betrayal: A Prequel - R - Complete
3. insanguinare -
Descent - PG13 - Complete
4. Bluebird88 -
Learning to Cope - PG13 - Complete
5. Chrasy -
Blood and Love - PG13 - Complete
6. Sapphiretragedy -
A Marked Woman - PG13 - Complete
7. Blacklotus -
Mirror, Mirror - PG13 - complete
Gripping Charm: Best Slash Drama
1. westernredcedear -
Remedy - SS/RL - R - Complete
2. Jenwryn -
Where Rain And Smoke Mingle - RL/SB - R - Complete
3. severity_softly -
Mosaic - SS/RB and SS/RL - R - Complete
4. summerborn -
The Chariot - SS/SB - R - Complete
Gripping Charm: Best Het Drama
1. Tambrathegreat -
Forgiveness - PG13 - WIP
2. Malora -
Never Say Remember - PG13 - WIP
3. Anna Maria -
Constellography - G/H - R - Complete
4. LaSeraphita -
Love & Loyalty: Book I (Love) - LM/NM - PG13 - WIP
5. Jenwryn -
A Mask For You - Bella/LV - PG13 - Complete
6. Jandjsalmon -
The Clock - D/G - PG - Complete
7. Wicked Wench -
R.A.B. and the Beginning of the End - PG13 - WIP (can only run in one of Het or D/Hr Drama)
Gripping Charm: Best D/Hr Drama
1. AnneM. Oliver -
A Sudden Awakening - R - Complete
2. Carol Rodrick -
She Drives, He Walks - R - WIP
3. nikkilicious377 -
Temptations - R - WIP
4. Gryffindorclutz -
We Can Work It Out - NC17 - WIP
5. kate04 -
Happily Ever After - R - WIP
6. inadaze22 -
Everything Changes - R - Complete
7. ElfmaidenofLight -
Jacknifed - PG - Complete
8. Bee -
The Affair: Lonely and Scared - R - Complete
9. Wicked Wench -
R.A.B. and the Beginning of the End - PG13 - WIP (can only run in one of Het or D/Hr Drama)
Gripping Charm: Best SS/HG Drama
1. RhiannonoftheMoon -
For All Intents and Purposes - R - WIP
2. Mia Madwyn -
Care of Magical Creatures - NC17 - WIP
3. lariope -
Second Life - NC17 - WIP
4. SGCBearcub -
Spellcaster - R - WIP
5. Amphotera -
Being Hermione Granger - R - WIP
6. Battle of Lissa -
Vain Wisdom All and False Philosophy - NC-17 - WIP
7. Potion Mistress/ebolafan -
The Witching Hour - R - WIP
Locomotor: Best Action/Adventure
1. notplainjane -
Immunity - SS/HG - PG13 - WIP
2. la_rubinita -
The Beast Within - D/Hr - R - WIP
3. nikkilicious377 -
Temptations - D/Hr - R - WIP
4. starmom -
Trust and Betrayal: A Prequel - Gen - R - Complete
5. RhiannonoftheMoon -
For All Intents and Purposes - SS/HG - R - WIP
6. Fairfield -
In The Time Of The Warlock - NC17 - Complete
7. Juno Magic -
The Apprentice and the Necromancer - SS/HG - PG13 - WIP
Obliviate: Best SS/HG AU
1. Yahtzee -
The Bloody Stare of Mars - R - Complete
2. starmom -
A Pinch of This, A Dash of That - R - Complete
3. zeegrindylows -
De Profundis - PG13 - WIP
4. Battle of Lissa -
Vain Wisdom All and False Philosophy - NC-17 - WIP
Obliviate: Best Slash AU
1. Skree-ratling -
Like Minds - SS/RL - NC17 - Complete
2. SoftObsidian74 -
Bound by Duty - R/D/Hr/H - NC-17 - WIP
3. ty.soglasna -
Communication - FW/GW - R - Complete
Obliviate: Best D/Hr AU
1. operatingroom -
One Year Without Light - PG - Complete
2. nikkilicious377 -
Temptations - R - WIP
3. Gryffindorclutz -
We Can Work It Out - NC17 - WIP
4. Silverotter1 -
Fade into You - R - WIP
Riddikulus: Best SS/HG Humour
1. Camillo -
Good as Gold - R - WIP
2. Lulabelle72 -
An Unreasonable Man - NC17 - WIP
3. starmom -
A Pinch of This, A Dash of That - R - Complete
4. Mia Madwyn -
The Nine Year (Seven Month, Twelve day, Fourteen Hour, Thirty-seven Minute) Plan - PG13 - Complete
5. Irena Candy -
Ripped and Torn - PG13 - Complete
6. Madqueenmab -
The Properties of Silver - PG13 - WIP
7. elise_wanderer -
Dating a Heroine - PG - Complete
Riddikulus: Best D/Hr Humour
1. pokeystar -
The Chocolate War - PG13 - WIP
2. emm718 -
cake - NC17 - Complete
3. Crookshanks -
Friday Night and Quidditch Delight - PG13 - Complete
4. Crookshanks -
What If You Could Have Wished Me Away - R - Complete
5. AnneM.Oliver -
A Very Special Election - R - Complete
6. MinisterForMadness -
Expectations - PG13 - WIP
Riddikulus: Best Het Humour
1. kate04 -
Nothing is Sweeter than Revenge - R - WIP
2. shallyshilly -
The Pie-Maker - Hr/GW - PG - Complete
3. Hikari Riku -
Hook, Line, and Sink Her - LM/NM - PG - Complete
Riddikulus: Best D/G Humour
1. Embellished -
In Vino Veritas - D/G - PG13 - Complete
2. Turkish -
Friday Night - D/G - PG13 - Complete
3. Yunnage -
I Potato You - D/G - PG - Complete
4. Embellished -
Unexpected Consequences - D/G - PG13 - Complete
5. CCC -
A Bit Of Silk - D/G - PG13 - Complete
Riddikulus: Best Slash Humour
1. Blissfully Delirious -
A Silly Thing Called Love - RL/SB - R - Complete
2. firefly quill -
A Game of You - Best Humour - SS/RL - PG - Complete
3. ty.soglasna -
The Chinese Room - D/H - PG13 - Complete
4. lilian_cho -
Green Eyes - D/H - PG13 - Complete
Riddikulus: Best Gen Humour
1. starmom -
Minding Harry - R - Complete
2. Parvonis Mons -
The Hall of Heroes - PG13 - Complete
3. MillCityShaman -
Pennyroyal Tea - PG13 - Complete
4. Persephone Yavanna the Entwife -
Poisson d'Avril - G - Complete
Fixing Charm: Best Underappreciated Author
1. lorraine bluestar -
TPP and
SH2. Gryffindorclutz -
HPAdultFanfic3. emm718 -
LJ4. desdiamonds/sonia desiree -
Ink and
FF.net5. celisnebula - SH (
Lumos &
Ash &
Wolfsbane &
Occlumency &
Chaos &
6. Bellegeste - Lumos: Best New Author
1. madqueenmab -
SH2. kingpig -
TPP3. camillo -
SH4. emmeline33 -
TPP5. julymorning -
TPP6. kate04 -
FF.net7. lariope -
TPP8. westernredcedar -
LJ9. inadaze22 -
FF.net10. nikkilicious377 -
FF.net11. Lulabelle72 -
TPP12. AnneM.Oliver -
FF.net13. Crookshanks - and
Ink14. Mia Madwyn -
TPP and
OWL and
SH15. Battle of Lissa -
TPP and
OWL and
SH 16. Tambrathegreat -
FF.net17. Malora -
FF.net18. ZeeGrindylows -
FF.net19. Hobgoblinn -
FF.net20. serendipity_50 -
LJ21. Novocaine - and
HPFandom22. Luvscharlie - Polyjuicer: Most Diverse Author
1. camillo -
SH2. madqueenmab -
SH3. celisnebula - SH (
Lumos &
Ash &
Wolfsbane &
Occlumency &
Chaos &
4. Angel Mischa -
TPP and
SH and
OWL and
LJ5. ty.soglasna - and
LJ Serpensortia: Best Original Character
For this category, please remember to vote based primarily on how good you think the OC is, not just on how good the fic is as a whole.
1. julymorning -
By Flash and Thunder Fire (Miranda) - SS/HG - NC17 - Complete
2. starmom -
A Pinch of This, A Dash of That (Darren) - SS/HG - R - Complete
3. sweetflag -
Better Not Knowing (Ophelia) - gen - R - WIP
4. AnasellaEmm -
A Wonderful Caricature of Intimacy (Zane Malfoy) - D/Hr - R - WIP
5. Hobgoblin -
Lost Boys (David Dursley) - Gen - PG13 - Complete
Naturally, due to the nature of these awards, a few nominations did not make it into the awards either due to eligibility reasons or due to categories that were just too small. If you made a nomination and you don't see it here and are unsure why we've omitted it, feel free to ask! We may just have mis-typed something or left it off the list. Any other questions, including error-spots, are also welcome at the
Questions Post! Edit: The list has been edited to make everything easier to read. Hope it helps! (Because it took me over two hours to do...)