Nominations: Closed - Seconding: Open!!

Jun 11, 2008 06:09

First of all, a great thank-you to all of those who wracked their brains and came up with this wonderful heap of nominations between them. I've been beavering away to make sure that everything is separated into appropriate categories, and that is now all done, and we can progress quickly on to the Seconding!

Almost all of the nominations were good; only a handful were ineligible for the Awards (so if you don't see a nomination in the list, that will be why), so great job everyone!

Authors will be contacted tonight and over the next few days via email about their nominations. If you've discovered you've been nominated, please pimp up the awards to your f-list, etc., and increase the number of people getting involved in Seconding. We will all love you for it. The more people, the better! (If you nominated a story, including one of your own, you cannot second it However, if someone else nominated a story of yours, you definitely CAN second it!)

Okay. So. If you want to brush up on what the point of this 'seconding' malarky is, read here:

The point of seconding is two-fold:

1) To make sure that all nominations are supported by at least two members of the community (a kind of quality-control check). If a nomination does not receive at least one second, then the story will not run in the awards.

2) To act as preliminary voting in the case of categories that are 'over-sized'. As decided at TNL, all categories with more than 7 nominations will be narrowed down via seconding. The top 7 most seconded fics in a category will go on to become the Official Nominees

It's as simple as that!

Right. So, you know why we're doing this. Now here's how it's going to be done!

Beneath each of the cuts in the post below will be the nominations in a certain category. As an example, we'll discuss PWP.

Say you've decided today that you're going to go through the PWP category. Beneath the cut, there are several sub-categories, which involve not just the PWP genre, but also a particular ship or type of ship. Each of these will run as a separate category and gets to have 7 stories in it (max.). So, we don't have to cut down the entire PWP genre category to only 7, don't worry!

Seconding is something of a casual affair. Browse through the stories at your leisure. If you find things you really like, and you definitely want to see them stay in the awards, reply to the Seconding post (the one just below this one) in a comment and simply state "Best D/Hr PWP" (if you wanted to second a Dramione fic): Author's name + Title.

That's it, really. You may second AS MANY fics in a single category as you would like. You can second all of them. You can second only one of them. Whatever you prefer. :-)

And now, without further ado (and with a quick link back to the Questions Post if any of this is confusing/you're not sure what to do and want to ask a mod!)... the categories! (In a separate post below!)

Seconding runs until midnight EST on June 19th! Have fun. :-D
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