Four of Wands Fic

Aug 27, 2007 18:07

Title: Chance To Get It Right
Author: bk03
Type: Fiction
Length: ~ 5700 words
Main character or Pairing: Harry Potter/Padma Patil
Card: Four of Wands
Card Interpretation: The Four of Wands can celebrate many things that are appropriate to the Wands suit; the initial success of a business venture, a good start at a creative project or the blossoming of a friendship or relationship. Marriage and childbirth are often predicted by an appearance by this card. Encompassing all of these ideas is the maxim that hard work pays off in the end, and the Four of Wands is the card of rewards for those who've worked to the best of their ability. The Four of Wands has strong ties, surprisingly enough, to Justice, because it shows that hard work is rewarded, in the end. - From ATA Website : Tarot Card Meanings
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: J.K. Rowling owns Harry Potter.
Summary: With a promising start to their professional relationship, what happens as they get closer privately.
Author Notes: This is Part 2 of the story I started in the first round. Thanks to Thoth for beta reading this for me. If there are any formatting/tag errors let me know so they can be fixed.

DH complaint

Part 1

Part 2 - Behind Every Powerful Man, Is A Great Woman

Parvati Patil sat underneath the brightly colored umbrella at an outside table of one of Diagon Alley’s cafes. Next to her, her best friend, Lavender Brown, was quietly sipping a Butterbeer. As Parvati watched the people stroll by, catching snippets of conversations, she shuffled a deck of Muggle tarot cards in her hands. The same cards from which her twin had pulled the Ace of Cups from just a few months ago. While it was up for debate, and it had just been a single card drawn and not a full reading, Parvati was fully convinced that the card had predicted Padma’s future.

The Ace of Cups represents a new romance or the potential of one on the horizon.

Still, it was something she loved holding over her sister. So convinced of their use, Parvati had also begun to carry her cards with her in a small cloth bag secured in an inside robe pocket. Professor Trewlaney uses crystal balls, Professor Firenze uses the heavens, I use tarot cards.

As she delicately shuffled and then cut her deck, she noticed Lavender grimace slightly and scratched her neck while rolling a shoulder. But before she could express any concern, Lavender changed subjects. “When is your sister coming?”

I hope that bastard is rotting in the ground somewhere for what he did to her. “Any minute.” Lavender nodded and returned to her Butterbeer while Parvati to her cards.

As a waiter brought Parvati a cup of tea and Lavender another Butterbeer, Padma joined them. “Going to read the leaves are you, Pav?” she teased as she slipped into an empty seat.

“Where’s your shadow?” Parvati teased back, while Lavender started on her second bottle.

“Hermione is babysitting him right now,” Padma said casually, while ordering Butterbeer herself.

“Not you too,” Parvati whined softly. “It’s bad enough she’s started on them.”

Padma gave a quick grin to Lavender before turning her eyes back to her twin. “Can’t help it,” she said with a shrug. “You can blame Harry though.”

“Oh, Lavender,” Padma continued, a small smile playing on her lips. The other witch placed her bottle down and turned her attention to Padma. “I was talking with Susan this morning. We got to talking about Hermione’s wedding.”

Lavender had a feeling she was getting set up, but said nothing.

“Susan said Hannah was going to invite Neville for tea at Susan and Wayne’s.” The Patils both smirked as a scowl marred Lavender’s features for a moment.

Calming a bit, as the Muggles would say, Lavender put on her poker face. “That’s nice,” she said evenly. Then, as she brought her bottle to her lips, she looked over the rim at Padma. “So, who is Harry taking to the wedding?”

Padma’s joking expression quickly turned dark for a moment, before grabbing her own bottle and using it to hide her expression.

Before things escaladed between her sister and best friend, Parvati placed the cards carefully in the middle of the table.

“Not those again,” Padma groaned.

She gave her a sarcastic grin, before sipping her tea. “It worked last time,” Parvati reminded her and Lavender arched an eyebrow.

“It’s nothing. She got lucky, and now she’s convinced these… cards can predict… anything.”

“Ah,” Parvati defended, “but so far I’ve been proven right. You only drew a card, and it nailed it on the head. The potential for romance.”

“There is no romance between me and Harry,” Padma blurted out.

Parvati just grinned, while Lavender asked rhetorically, “Excuse me?”

Giggling softly, Lavender began to look hungrily at the rare steak that was placed in front of her as their food arrived. “Just draw a card so we can eat. She made me sit through a whole bloody reading.”

“Fine.” Padma reached for the cards, and then cut the deck. Grabbing the new top card, she slid it off the deck and on to the table. “Happy?” she asked, and then began on her garden salad.

Rolling her eyes, Parvati glared at her twin. Rolling her eyes back at her, Padma popped a cherry into her mouth before reaching out and turning the card over so they could see which card she drew.

“Four of Wands. Can we move on now?”

A smile practically lit up Parvati’s face; a smile Padma recognized. Groaning again, Padma rested her head in her open palm, as Lavender waiting eagerly to hear what it meant, because it obviously was something very good. Well, depending on your point of view, Lavender thought with a giggle.

“I’ll just give you the highlights,” Parvati said, pulling a small folded piece of parchment from a pocket. “Celebrate the initial success of a business venture, or the blossoming of a relationship. Marriage and childbirth are often predicted by an appearance by this card.”

“Gee, I wonder who that sounds like?” Lavender quickly added.

“Bludger,” Padma snapped. Both girls giggled at hearing one of Harry’s more common swears coming from Padma’s lips.


Harry glared at the pieces of parchment littering his desk. I’ve lived here a week and already I’m sick of this room.

The room he was referring to was his study in the newly renovated Potter Manor. After living for a few months at the Burrow, and a little more then a year in an apartment, Harry wanted a place that felt like it was a home and not just a residence. He had no real desire to live in 12 Grimmauld Place or any of the other Black properties, and he wanted to keep his parents home in Godric’s Hallow the sort of memorial that it had become.

After sorting through some records, Harry discovered the location of Potter Manor and after seeing it with his own eyes, felt this was the best place for him to be. Unfortunately, since no one had lived here since his grandparents had passed away, to bring it up to date required a lot of cleaning and renovating. But after a few months, it was finished and ready for Harry.

Just in time too. There were three events, all special to Harry, that need this larger home.

The first, Ron and Hermione’s wedding. Originally, both wanted it at the Burrow and for it to be a nice, quiet ceremony. But, unfortunately, some had other ideas. The wedding of the two prominent war heroes quickly grew beyond their wishes and, as a result, they needed more space and extra security. Knowing Ron would never accept any money from Harry to help pay for it, as his wedding present to the couple, the wedding would be held at Potter Manor. This is would be the first of what he hoped would be many happy events.

Second, was that he wanted to be more involved in Ted Lupin’s life. The last thing Harry wanted was for his young godson to have anything like his life. Harry was bound and determined to make sure that Teddy never went without anything and always had someone there for him. But since Harry was in no way ready to be a father like figure, and he was adamant about not breaking up what was left of the family, Harry also asked Andromeda Tonks to come as well. In the few short years since the Final Battle, Andromeda had become sort of a second mother to not just Teddy, but Harry as well.

Lastly, and a bit more personal for Harry, was the beginning of his partnership with Padma Patil. The manor’s large study provided a perfect place for Harry and Padma to conduct business. It allowed them to spend more time together in a comfortable, private environment. Something they both enjoyed. Also, while he had not said anything yet, he had set aside a specific room for her, if she wished for it.

Giving up on reading the parchments and understanding the procedure of voting in the Ministry Parliament, Harry’s eyes automatically gazed over to Padma. Standing on a small step stool in front of one of the study’s large bookcases, she had her back to Harry and was stretching slightly to reach for a book on a higher shelf. Harry’s gaze quickly took in all the details about her.

The way her hair was done in a sloppy bun, simply for the sake of getting it out of her way. He wondered how her pants stayed on when they clung so low to her hips. Harry also noticed that as she reached, her sweater would lift just enough to give him a glimpse of the small of her back.

She doesn’t know what she’s doing to me, he thought to himself sarcastically as he felt his body reacting. Then with a smirk, he quickly added to himself, Oh, she knows. She may play innocent, but she knows.

Padma knew alright. From where she stood on the stool, she had purposely kept watch on Harry out of the corner of her eye. At first it was to make sure Harry read the parchments. Helping him learn these things was part of her job after all. But when she found he was instead watching her, instead of scolding him, she simply watched his reactions. There was something about the way he looked at her, that she wanted to make him do it all the time.

Closing her fingers around the book she needed, she pulled it down while hoping off the stool. Hiding a small giggle in a cough, she watched Harry practically jump in his chair when she landed. He quickly returned to the parchments, trying to make it seem like he was reading by slightly mouthing a few words here and there.

“Finished yet?” Padma asked with a knowing smirk.

Harry gave her a dirty look while he leaned back in his chair. “Why do I have to know the voting procedure of the Parliament, if I’m never going to actually vote?”

Sighing softly, Padma held the book to her chest and walked over to the desk. “What if you wanted to support a piece of legislation, say… werewolves rights,” she spoke while walking, knowing that would get his attention. “You would need to know how the legislature works before you could figure out how best to support it.”

Walking around the desk, Padma used another example. “Would you go into a Quidditch match without knowing even the basic rules?” she asked hypothetically.

“No,” Harry answered. “I guess not. But why do I have to memorize… this stuff,” he said, gesturing to the stuff on his desk. “Why can’t I just ask you?”

Placing the book on his desk, Padma pushed herself up and perched herself upon the corner of his desk. For a moment, Padma watched Harry’s eyes ever so quickly look down at her hips and legs, before jerking back up to her face.

“One,” Padma said softly, “it’s why you hired me. Two… I’m not always going to be around, and it looks a lot better actually knowing a few things instead of having to look everything up. A lot of the Wizarding World is based on image, and any sign of weakness can hurt you with certain people.”

“I’m going to make sure you are never at a disadvantage to any one,” Padma said, a little more forcefully than was necessary. Blushing a bit, Padma took her book back and hoped of the desk. She slowly walked away from the desk towards a small couch that rested against a wall. Plopping down upon it, Padma flipped through the book for a moment, looking for a particular entry.

Finding it, she looked up at Harry, who was watching her again. As he didn’t turn away again, Padma smiled sweetly at him. “Besides, Harry. If we didn’t have these little study sessions… you wouldn’t be able to study my backside,” she said, giving him a pointed look. Her smile widened a little when Harry’s face flashed a brief surprise, and then quickly returned passive as he looked back at the parchments. And I couldn’t study yours.

After a few minutes, Padma could hear the creaking of Harry’s chair as he leaned back in it once more. Glancing over the top of her book at him, Padma could see that this time, he was deep in thought about something. She watched Harry absentmindedly reach down and rub his arm while flexing his hand. Placing the book in her lap, she titled her head a little. “Alright?”


“Your arm?”

“Oh,” Harry said sheepishly, quickly releasing his arm. “It’s nothing, just itches.”

Not believing him, Padma dropped the book onto the couch seat next to her and standing up, quickly moved to Harry. Probably only Hermione, and maybe Madam Pomfrey, knew the full extent of Harry’s injuries from that dark final year of the war, but many knew that Harry was pretty banged up physically, even if it didn’t show.

Ignoring his protest, Padma tightly gripped his wrist and turned his arm over. Then, with her free hand, shoved Harry’s sleeve up and carefully inspected the area where Nagini had bitten him. Aside from some faded marks, it looked like everything was fine.

Pulling his arm from her grip, “I told you, I’m fine.” He scowled as he pushed his sleeve back down.

Padma wasn’t finished. Putting her hands on the armrests of Harry’s chair, she leaned into him with a scowl of her own. “You’re not fine. You keep pushing yourself to get back into playing shape, and you’re at risk of reaggravating your injuries.”

“It was two years ago,” Harry said, trying hard to keep his temper under control.

The same with Padma as she answered, “I don’t care.” She wasn’t going to baby him about every nick and scratch, but she wasn’t going to let him come up lame either. There was something else too. She was starting to become fiercely protective of Harry. From the press, from fangirls, and in cases, from himself.

Padma stood up quickly and Harry pushed back his chair. After Harry stood up, Padma watched him stuff his hands into his pockets and wonder over to a window. “Padma,” Harry said softly, not turning from the window.

“I want you to be my date for the wedding.”

“I can’t Harry, even if I wanted to.” Which I do… but only if you really meant it. Padma leaned back against the desk. “I have to oversee the arrival of everything, the set-up of all the tents, the food, the-”

Harry held his hand up, interrupting her. “Your barmy if you think you’ll be overseeing all that. Mrs. Weasley will take charge of everything, and if she needs anything, both the wedding planner and Mrs. Granger will be there.” Turning around, Harry regarded her with an honest look. “So you see, you’re dance card is free.” When Padma opened her mouth to object, Harry beat her to it. “You said yourself, your job is to make sure I don’t make an arse of myself. I’ve lost count of the number of pompous windbags that will be here.”

Padma glared at him, but Harry could tell he had won. “How dare you use my words against me,” she mumbled good-naturally.

Harry smirked, “Thank you.”

“Yea, yea,” she told him sarcastically. “Get back to the voting rules,” Padma spoke as she headed back to her book on the couch.


Standing on the edge of the dancing area, Padma watched Harry and Ginny slowly and awkwardly dance around. As best man and maid of honor respectively, they were expected to share at least a dance with the newlyweds. Even though she knew that neither really wished to be doing this, Padma felt a small flicker of something. Something she refused to accept as jealousy. He’s only being polite.

As the dance ended, Padma watched Harry and Ginny smile awkwardly at each other for a moment, then share a few whispered words before parting. She knew it was perfectly innocent, but something still annoyed her about it. Why do I even care? It’s not like he’s even mine. It’s purely professional between us. Even with that thought, she still couldn’t help but glare at Ginny’s retreating back.

As Harry slowly made his way through the crowd that surrounded the dance floor, politely smiling and shaking a few hands, Padma quickly turned away as she tried to mask her emotions again.

“Padma,” Harry asked as he approached, and was caught off guard when she simply walked off towards a nearby table. “Padma?”

Grabbing a flute of champagne off the table, she slowly turned around and faced Harry, who had followed her. “Yes, Mr. Potter?”

Padma watched as Harry scowled, and he adjusted his glasses. “I would like to know what has put you off, Ms. Patil. ”

Sipping from the flute, Padma narrowed her eyes at him. “There is nothing that I’m put off about. I’m just trying to stop you from making a fool of yourself. But with how you’re acting, you’re making this much harder to do. We should try and keep things professional.”

Growing irritated, Harry swiftly and firmly, grabbed Padma’s hand and led, almost pulled, her off to secluded corner of the yard.

Spinning around, so he faced her, “Since when is anything between us… professional?”

“Well maybe we should start?”

“What? Why?”

“You know what I’m afraid of Harry?”

Taking the literal meaning of her question, Harry’s mind flashed back to their third year Defense Against the Dark Arts class when then Professor Lupin did the Boggart exercise. For Harry, for other reasons, it was one of many moments that stood out in Harry’s memory. “It was some kind of snake. Cobra? I think.”

Padma looked at him in surprise for a moment. “How did… No. I didn’t mean it like that. I’m scared that I’m going to let this get in the way of my job, and when I do, it’s not going to be something small. Like you forgot someone’s name or the proper etiquette for eating at a Ministry dinner. But something big, that’s going to have a lot of fall out, and will hurt you.”

Carefully, placing a stray strand of hair back in to place, she sighed softly. “I can’t keep doing this. You hired me to help you, and the best way I can help you is if we keep things strictly on the level. I can’t let you screw everything up because of a passing fancy. You are far more important.”

Harry studied her for a moment, before asking, “Is that how you feel?”

Reluctantly meeting his eyes, she slowly nodded. “The best way for me to help you is without the suggestive looks, the flirting, and… everything else, I guess. I have always prided myself on the job I do, and right now, I’m not giving it my best. Too many… distractions.”

“Hmm. I see. Very well.” Harry stood silent for a moment, simply gazing at her.

“Then, I have no choice. You’re fired,” Harry said calmly.

“What?” Padma shouted, her face taking on a completely and utterly shocked look.

Harry stepped forward, and lightly held her arms. Padma shivered a little at his touch, but forced herself to stay put. “You said you could no longer do your job properly with these distractions. Now, that big, gorgeous, Ravenclaw mind of yours, led you to believe that I’d keep you on as my assistant and the… I believe your words, were a passing fancy?” he asked sarcastically.

“I don’t think we could have strictly a professional relationship any more,” Harry paused, and let a small grin appear. “I don’t really want to either.”

“But the way you were with Ginny-” The rational part of her knew there was nothing between the two anymore. Unfortunately, that rational part had decided to take a nap at the moment.

Harry cut her off by gently squeezing her arms. “Me and Ginny… are the past. It didn’t work, and I have no desire to try and make it work again. That’s all you need to know. Let the past, stay the past.”

Slowly, Harry slid his hands down her shoulders, along her forearms and wrists, and grasped her hands. “I know I’m not the most… eloquent guy.”

A bit more together, Padma couldn’t help but tease Harry, just a little. “Eloquent, hmm, big word there. Hermione teach you that one?”

Playfully scowling at her, he continued. “After the past twenty years of my life, there is one thing… The only thing that I’m concerned about is being happy.”

“And I think I’ve accomplished that. I have great friends, surrogate parents, two people who are like a brother and sister to me even if we aren’t related, but the one thing I’ve always missed… was-” Harry paused as he searched for the right words. “Even if it sounds cheesy and over used, love.

“All of my relationships with girls have ended badly. Your sister wouldn’t talk to me for like three months, Cho was a bloody disaster, and Ginny just didn’t work out. Without something hanging over my head, I want to try again and this time get it right. I’ve let too many opportunities slip through my fingers,” and at this, he brought their hands up to their eye level. “I’m not letting you walk away without fighting back. If it means losing you as my assistant, fine.”

“All big words there, Harry. What if I don’t want any of it?”

“Well… I guess,” Harry stuttered, and let go of her hands as he stepped away.

Smiling a little, Padma quickly closed the gap between them. “Well, I guess, if you can be like a Ravenclaw and think this out so well, I can be a bit like a Gryffindor and do this.” Leaning in, she kissed him, letting her lips linger for a moment on his. As she pulled away, she couldn’t help but giggle at Harry’s goofy grin.

A little embarrassment crept over Harry’s face, and he laughed a little at himself too. Looking at each other for a moment, Padma took advantage of another opportunity to tease the Golden Boy. “Harry,” she said softly.


“This is the moment that you ask me out,” she told him, and then quickly fell into another fit of giggles.

Harry smiled, I want to keep making her laugh. “Is there some proper way I have to do this? Because, last thing I want to do is offend you,” he said sarcastically. Then quickly added, “Or have your father come over and tear my head off.”

Padma tried to hold in a laugh but ended up snorting, and Harry’s eyes grew wide in surprise. “How lady-like,” he teased her this time.

“You’re lucky you’re cute,” she told him.

Harry just shrugged. “Professor McGonagall has invited me to Hogwarts for the final Quidditch match of the year, Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw,” Harry told her, and grinned when he said who was playing. “After the game, we could spend some time in Hogsmeade.”

“Sounds nice,” Padma told him. “But you better not be in a bad mood after the Claws beat those little cubbies of yours.”

“Care to play a little one on one, Pretty Patil?” Harry challenged.

“As much as I’d like to embarrass one of the best Seekers in years,” she then motioned to her dress and heels. “I can’t exactly fly in this outfit.”

Leaning back a little, Harry’s eyes slowly wandered over her. She was wearing a very simple, long sleeved, dark blue dress that fell to just below her knees, along with a pair of matching three inch heels. “I’d like to see that.”

Thinking about how snug the dress fit her, a question popped into his head. “Where exactly do you keep your wand?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know.” Taking Harry’s hand, she led them back towards everyone else. Looking over her shoulder, she gave him a seductive look. “And if you’re a good boy, I just may show you.”


With a practiced ease, Padma emerged from the green fire of the Floo Network and into The Leaky Cauldron. “Good morning, Tom,” she called to the old bartender and gave a simple wave while stepping to the side. It had been two days since the wedding, and this was the first official outing for the new couple. What they were exactly going to do, Padma wasn’t sure.

Seconds later, the fire erupted again. Except the person who emerged crashed to the floor in a heap. Muttering to himself, Harry quickly gathered himself and scrambled to his feet. After glaring at Padma for a moment, who was giggling at his landing, Harry gave a quick hello to Tom before heading towards the entrance of Diagon Alley.

Quickly at his side, Padma watched Harry tap the bricks. “So why are we here?”

“There are still… people out there, aiming for me,” Harry told her as the bricks slid away to reveal the alley’s entrance. “Everyone, even remotely close to me, is a potential target.”

As they walked through the hole in the wall, Padma noticed that the people they walked by paused in awe at seeing Harry. Hearing a group of teenage witches giggle and whisper as they passed, Padma linked her arm with his and gave them a possessive glare from the corner of her eye. Harry smirked at her, but didn’t say anything about it.

“We’ve taken steps to increase security around us.”

“Who’s we and us? And what does it have to do with me?” Padma asked.

“You know the answer to your first question as you are a part of it. And it as everything to do with you, especially now.

“Many know the Patil twins came back to Hogwarts our final year, only to also disappear for a time, like others of the D.A., and to reappear, fighting against Voldermort. If that wasn’t enough, because of your father’s efforts, the Patils are a prominent family in the Wizard business world, with Muggle ties.

“Finally, if that didn’t convince you, this beats all that… you are now dating Undesirable Number One,” he said sarcastically. “When haven’t I gone a year when someone hasn’t tried something?”

Harry could feel Padma’s arm tighten around his. “I didn’t mean to frighten you, I just want you to know how things are.”

“I’m not afraid,” Padma told him. “Just… a little worried, is all. You don’t realize how small a view you have, until someone shows you the bigger picture.”

Wanting to change the topic to a lighter mood, “So, what are we doing today?”

“First, to Ollivander’s to see about getting you a second wand. Then, Madam Malkin’s for your fitting of a special order I put in back when you first started.”

Looking at him, confused, “Why a second wand? And what special order?”

Harry grinned at her, “So many questions.”

Padma pouted at him, and then an evil smirk appeared on her lips. “And if you don’t answer them, you’ll find yourself very alone tonight.”

“That’s blackmail.”

“I’m a Ravenclaw, we live to learn things, and now, not only do I know your weakest point, I can use it very efficiently.” Looking at each other for a moment, the pair started laughing.

“Alright. The wand is a backup, for in case you ever can’t use your normal one.” Harry let go of her for a moment, and pushing up his sleeves on both arms, revealed two wand holsters and their wands. “The right is my normal wand, and the left is Malfoy’s.”

“A fact you are never shy to reveal.”

Harry shrugged while tugging his robe sleeves back down. “The man was a pain in the arse to me for seven years, I’m entitled to a little payback.”

Padma nodded, and Harry continued. “Most keep it hidden, somewhere out of the ordinary. Hermione, I think, has it concealed against her hip. Ron’s is against his calf. I could help you find the best place,” Harry suggested playfully.

“I’m sure you could, but I’d like to have it in a place where I could actually use it if I needed.” As the pair turned towards Ollivander’s door, Padma leaned in and whispered to Harry, “Don’t worry, I’ll let you play Where Am I Hiding My Wand again.” She burst into giggles when Harry’s ear’s turned beet red and he tried to fight back the grin tugging at his lips.

Entering the shop, the door chimed. “Ah, Mr. Potter, how nice to see you again. Holly, eleven inches, supple, and a single Phoenix feather.”

“How are you feeling, Mr. Ollivander?” Harry asked.

“Better, better,” the elderly man spoke, as he limped to the front counter. His smile widened as he saw Padma. “And Ms. Patil, I remember you as well. Elm, nine and a quarter inches, flexible, and a dragon’s heartstring from a Hungarian Horntail, if I’m not mistaken.”

“How do you remember all that?” Padma asked, both in awe and curiosity.

Mr. Ollivander simply smiled. “A trick of the trade. Now, how may I be of service to the happy couple?”

“How did-” Harry started to ask, but Ollivander answered before he could finish.

“It is my job to notice little things, to help me attune the right witch or wizard to the right wand. But in your case, I believe the Muggles say, it is written all over your faces.”

Harry and Padma looked at each other, and simply shrugged. “We’re here because the lady simply needs a replacement wand.”

“Ah,” Mr. Ollivander said with a simple nod. “While I do aim to make my wands stand the test of time and wear, every once in awhile… special circumstances apply. Minister Shacklebolt added her name the other morning to the waiver. I was wondering when you would be coming round.”

Padma listened to both of them, and finally realized how Harry and his friends had gotten around the one wand law. “It must be nice to know people in high places.”
“I like to think of it as collecting on a debt,” Harry told her as Mr. Ollivander placed a few wand boxes upon the counter.

“Ms. Patil, if you would please,” Ollivander said as he swept his hand over the boxes. “It should only take a few tries, I believe.”

After the fifth try, they finally found a wand that fit right. While she felt it wasn’t as nice a fit as her first was, there was something about the wand in her hand that felt right.

“With four wands at your disposal, I don’t think the two of you will have much of problem with anyone,” Ollivander said as he begun to clean off the counter.

“Four wands?” Padma muttered to herself, trying to remember where she had heard that before. Just recently. But where? Suddenly, it came to her and a groan escaped her lips. “Four of Wands.”

“Uh?” Harry asked, overhearing her.

“My sister,” Padma answered, but more speaking to herself. To celebrate the initial success of a business venture, or the blossoming of a relationship, Padma recalled from her twin’s definition of the card she pulled. She did it to me, again! If Pav finds out, I’ll never hear the end of it.

Realizing that Harry had no idea what she was talking about, she smiled innocently. “Nothing. Just a sister thing.”

Harry studied her, his suspicions raised. “One of these days, you’re going to have to explain to me what this sister thing covers.”


As Padma leaned against the wall of the player’s entrance to the Hogwarts Quidditch Pitch, she smiled as she watched Harry. It’s amazing how drastically things can change in just a few days. A few weeks ago, we were setting up Potter Manor, and now, I’m dating the Wizarding World's ex-Most Eligible Bachelor.

Padma laughed softly as she watched Harry talking adamantly to the Ravenclaw and Gryffindor Seekers. Even though Ravenclaw had eventually won, Harry hadn’t really cared one way or the other; he had always enjoyed watching a good match. Professor McGonagall had introduced the two House Seekers to Harry. Once they got over the initial shock of meeting the famous Harry Potter, the three seekers quickly started talking shop.

They had been at it for almost a half an hour, and not only had the entire crowd dispersed, but the other players themselves had showered, changed, and left back for the castle. She was getting bored and wanted to go to Hogsmeade, but she couldn’t bring herself to stop them and drag him away. I’ll let them go a few more minutes.

Someone clearing their throat caught the attention of all four. Padma smiled down at her former Head of House. “Hello, Professor.”

“Good afternoon, Padma,” Professor Flitwick said back with a wide smile. “It’s good to see you again.” Turning his attention to the other three, “I’m sorry to break this up, but the students need to return to the Castle.”

“Of course, Professor,” Harry said sheepishly. “I’m sorry for tying them up.”

“No,” the Gryffindor Keeper spoke up. “It was great.”

“Yea!” his Ravenclaw counterpart said. “Can you come back next year?” she asked him. “I know Chase, she’s the Hufflepuff Seeker, would love to talk to you too.”

“Maybe you could show us some moves, too?” Gryffindor’s Keeper asked, barely able to hide his enthusiasm.

“We’ll see,” Harry answered. But Padma knew they would be back if they could. It didn’t matter if it was pro, school, or simple pickup game, Harry loved playing Quidditch. Something, she knew, he sorely missed in the past few years. Simple flying can only take the edge of so much.

A short while later, and after quick bit of shopping and sightseeing, Harry and Padma shared a small table at the Three Broomsticks. Taking his Butterbeer, Harry held it up. “So what should we toast too?” he joked.

Raising her own, “Behind every powerful man, is a strong woman?”

“Cute,” Harry answered sarcastically. “How about to the start of something special.”

“The start of something special,” Padma agreed, and the pair toasted.

Part 3

by: bk03, pg-13, round 2, fic, harry/padma, card: four of wands

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