Torchwood Rant

Jan 08, 2011 14:08

Those of you who don't want to be spoiled about season 4 don't read further. And those who still believe RTD is the biggest genius in tv-world and Torchwood still a show worth watching you probably want read this either. All the others I'm referring to articles like this which were showing up all around the inetrnet, dealing with the things revealed during the winter press tour yesterday.

"Most explosive plot" - really? That's all with what some of the supposidly most gifted writers in Hollywood can come up? Recycling of "Death takes Holliday." A topic I was told was sued repeatedly in shows from Supernatural to American Dad, not to mention movies and books. New it's not enough for RTD to recycle his old idea like he did with CEO no he even steels. Personally I remember the episode "Mark of Gideon" from Classic Star Trek. It was a ep at teh end of season 3, so at a time budgets were short and ideas not the most creative ones but still it was an ep with message and question. Is complete health and immortality really the goal to aim for?

For RTD I bet it's just used as a plot device to show as a long line of hrorible deaths over and over again. I also would just now bet my arse of that in the end anyone is dead besides Gwen who miracolously stays immortal and so finally can walk of hand in ahdn with Jack into the sunset. I especially don't give the female characters much chance of survival. There way to attractiv that Eve Myles could compete with them.

Besides this as with COE already the basics of the plot aren’t working. And again it’s nothing you can explain away with the SciFi object of the show, given that there still is any I didn’t read anything which indicates that’s still a SF-Show (rather looks like another conspiracy one). RTD ever claims TW to be soooo realistic when indeed it's just illogical as hell. Even if I never had heard about Trochwood befroe I wouldn't watch a show which advertised itself with such an illogical (and old) plot.

An execution wents wrong and anyone in gouverment wents instantly crazy about it. Please, that's crap. People would think the eletric chair wasn't funtioning or the dose of the poisen was wrong. It had happened in real live and if the accused has a clever lawer he sues it to his advantage. Besides this death penalty is a hot topic in msot US-states, using it just as a cheap plot device again shows that RTD has ne sensibility at all. It would take weeks till still click together and gouvernment realised nobody is dying anymore. Someone survives a horrible car crash here - luck and a guardian angel. Ill people don't die there - docs were wrong. Such things happen. Even in our modern world it would take time till a pattern is shown and people realise that there is no death at all anymore.

Also this is completely illogical: Population would not rise over night. Even if no one dies anymore it still would take till puberty till one gets fertile, nine months till a child is born. And woman would stop to be fertile around their 50. As the survival would mostly mean that older people do not die, population would indeed grow but not in such a quick time to such an amount. It would take years till this results in such a huge growing of population that it would be a problem. Especially in the western world with our sinking population. Government would be delighted if they see a rise in population. Two days ago I was at a local concil meeting where politicians desperately thoguht for ideas how the amount of citizens could at least be stabilized at the current level. They would be delighted if it grew again. The problem would be in Africa or Aisa, where it aleady is, and so far western world does give a damn about it. And the first resulution any gouvernment finally should and most likely would come up with would be birth control. Liek China died witht eh one-child-policy f.e. One would hand out pills and condoms, preach celebacy but not deporting people in camps.

Besides it would take at least weeks if not months till governments will have made the write connections. Most countries of this world don't have a functioning registration system with deaths and newborns. A lot of countries don't even know the real amount of their citizens. And even if realisation finally hits look how long countries debating about natural preservation - since years. They never would be able to come up with any solution like camps in a couple of days? Not to mention that RTD repeats himself with all his conspiracy-theories.

He really needs to see a psychiatrist for his paranoia towards governments. And he should stop writing immediately because this is not only a totally illogical plot idea it's stolen. Realyl thsi sounds like even bigger crap I had thought RTD capable of. Oh and I'm sure he just had an orgasm by the thougth that he slaps any fans of Tosh, Owen and Ianto rigth in the face with erasing his "death stays death" policy for anyone but them.

I wish RTD would follow his own advice and "get over it" and let "dead is dead" Trochwood rest in peace. Instead he need to beat any more media prestantion (and I think that's more driving him then money) out of a dead body. I've never heard nor seen of any show which did undergo such a drastic change in characters, plots and general atmosphare like TW. That's not a sign of special creativity it's a sign of disrespect towards the fans which made your show a sucess in the first place (most fans would rather like to keep their favorite characters, any survey will tell you that) or that you have no overall idea of your storylines at all (let's just start a campy little scifi-show in Wales and then see where it takes us. If I get the chance to go to Hollywo I'll dump anything what was unique about the show and what audience loved. Who gievs a damn about the veiwers? I don't need them) or that you deliberately lied to anyone and first sold them the show they wanted because you knew they show you really want would not have been sold at all and as soon as you're in the position to do so you dump anything and anyone.

Anyway I think he has a serious mental problem. I tried to keep same sympathy because I can imagine it wasn't easy to grow up as a gay kid etc pp. But sorry, that does not give you teh right to piss on everyone else. If you read not onyl abotut ehf act but how they way convoyey he again was an overall ass...e thsi time. Or remember the inertvewi this AfterLEton-guy did a couple of month ago. He did what any good journalist should do: Critical questions - and RTD was all over him. He behaves as if he is the biggest name in Hollywood when in fact he's just a no-name which only reputation is a long-time-ago-show on a small european market and the re-newal of a long-time cult-fandom which anyone with a bit of brains could have done. And even this he managed nearly to crash. I think it was in the end a good co-incidence that Ecclestone left after a year and he could re-invent to show with Tennant before he got too bored. Good knews what he wold done to DW if he was forced to stay with the some doctor and companien for all the time. This guy has nor espect for the media, the audience, his actors not even fro his win creation. The only person he si thinkign about is himself and his big ego. Real big names like Spielberg or Lucas or whoever would know that without all the people in the industry and especally without the audience they are nothing and show them this respect.

Add another thought: If people can't die they don't need food or clean water, they can't starve or being posined or infected. You don't need money to pay for medical care either. So what's to figth for? Yes space would become growded some day, power supplies woudl run short but not in a few months in the western world. We just would strengthen our borders and make sure the pur people from outside don't came in but there in no way would be a conspiracy against our own people.

fandom: torchwood, tv, kommentar

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