Torchwood Math

Jan 08, 2011 23:26

I couldn't help myself to do some math while I was at our local carnival this evening. And no, I wasn't drunk. I was tehre for work not party adn stayed with water all the time. But I may have lost some of my eyesight. You really haven't lived if you ahven't seen naked potbellys wobbling to "In the navy".

The county I live has around 110 000 inhabitants, regressive since 20 years. Last year 634 babies were born in our hospital. There might be some born at home (but over 90 percernt of teh women here give birth int he hospital) or out of medical reasons in a bigger hospital outside our county (I haven't seen this statistics yet) but it's save to assume that there weren't more then 700 newborns. That's also the avarage number of the last years. So in ten years it would be 7000 children, that's less then our biggist city lost on inhabitents in the last 10 years. In no way a number to worry about. In the opposite our politicians would be delighted.

I think it's save to assume that in most regions of Europa, Australia and North Aemrica statistics are similiar. It would be a problem sooner or later on the other contiennets but that never has much mattered to our governmenst and for sure not to the North Americans. Also Europa and North America very well can supply anything they need for quite a well, especially the US. People wouldn't see any reason for a riot. In the opposite most would be delighted that they don't have to face death anymore. Only those who speculated on a big inharitance might regrett the develoment. But there is absoluetly no reason for western gouvernment to go against their own people, ore for people go againts the government.

There are other scenarios which - I could imagine - would rather send government into a francy. f.e. if no babies are born at all, so mankind facing extincton. Or if there would really a sudden increase in population with any women get pregannt and children growing rapitedly. But people not dying anymore will not put our society at risk in a couple of days/months. No way, Sire!

I*'m still looking for someone who can explain me what I wrote down there about COE
Haven't found one yet. I wonder if someone could be able to logically explain the new premise now. I doubt that RTD can do it. And no, I don't expect a tv-show to be completely logically but I expect at least the premise to be so. And if a showrunner claims to be especially realistic and uses this as an excuss for unpopular plot-twists I hold him up to this in ayy regard of the show.

fandom: torchwood, tv, kommentar

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