Title: Making Circles
Character(s)/Pairings: Eliot Spencer
Rating: G
Summary: Eliot completes the cycle...
Author’s Notes: This is my first Leverage drabble. I have a great love for Eliot and was intimidated to try and write him -- to do his amazingness justice. Well, the last line of this drabble wouldn't leave me alone and so here it is. Thanks to
mustangcandi for being my beta and being my first reader. : )
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: I don't own anything affiliated with Leverage though I did borrow Christian Kane's song title.
Eliot leaned down and breathed in the scent of the fresh soil. He closed his eyes and let himself get lost in it for a moment before he plunged his strong, calloused hands in. He sifted it a few times and readied it before carefully placing each herb in its place and supporting it by patting down the soil around it. He looked around the quiet rooftop for a moment and at all the work he’d already done here in his place of solace: his secret garden. Here, the hands that had taken so many lives could give life instead.