You are the Fifth Doctor: Your youthful exterior
belies your centuries of experience, and even
you have a bit of difficulty rectifying these
two aspects of your personality. You are
compassionate, introspective, and deeply
troubled by injustice. If you occasionally seem
to display more vulnerability than your
predecessors, it's probably because you're more
openly human than they were. Are your
companions finally rubbing off on you?
Which Incarnation of the Doctor Are You? brought to you by
Quizilla Hmm I'd always been told I was Tom Baker, however I'm always told that when wearing my very long, stripey (and apparently Pride-ful) scarf. Though that reminds me Abi and i never did tie our scarves together and wonder around joined at the neck like mis-matched twins. Then again she was never so keen on the idea.
My bread should be arriving on wednesday which means going and retrieving it in the morning before the chemists close.
The official-looking letters which my mum said she was sending to me last week haven't arrived yet, this may require investigation.
The annoying alarm of the previous post was successfully silenced just as Dave and I were about to sleep. Yay for me and my noise stopping powers!