Man... Matlab sure is taking its sweet time installing... -_-;;; So I
decided to do something "productive" while waiting for it to finish
installing. :p It's been a while since I posted anyway. *Looks at date
of last post* Make that a lot while since I last posted. ^^; Anyway
just to summarize things that's been happening to me lately in no
particular order:
- Busy a lot lately, considering with all the catching up I need to
do catching up with my subjects. >_< All my subjects seem to be
doing fine... except for eee 41. As I expected in my last post, I did
got a line of 30 on my second exam (39 to be exact). Fortunately
I got a 65 on my third exam... despite it being a difficult exam (the
mean was 59 in my class) but it still not enough to get back. I need an
82 on my last exam to have and ave of 60 on my exams. Ack I hope I make
it... I don't want to go bye bye to eee... especially right now.
>_< I hope the last exam will be hell lot easy. *prays* Need to
study some more... >_<
- I'm finally a probie at DSP... though that means more work...
arg. >_< Man transcribing takes too much time. Marien said it
only take aroun 2-3 hrs per file but I'm taking aroung 6 hrs per file.
>_< But then again... I do take a lot of *ahem* breaks.
- Finished SRW Alpha 3 and I'm now playing (with what little time I have) SRW J. Yay Bonta-kun~ Fumoffu~ ^w^
- Watched FF7 Advent Children and Last Order... they are pretty
good, espacially the action scenes of AC. Though I think I need to
replay FF7 now to remember some stuffs again. ^^; When I got the time
that is...
- I got I new puppy from Nikki. Her name is Reese. She's so cute~ ^w^ You can view her dogster to know more about her. ^w^ Check out Danny Boy and Rex too while you're at it. Please add them if you have a dog/catster too. (err I mean of your dog/cat not of YOU... unless YOU are on dog/catster o_O;;;) ^w^
- Whee~ I month to go before the entire universe celebrates again. ^w^
Anyway that's it for now... Please pray for my soul.... >_<
Sore ja, jikai wo otanoshimi~ ^o^