Title: Once Upon A Time
Pairing: Ron/Draco
Word Count: 200
Summary: Draco has grown up and has other priorities.
Rating: G
Notes: Written for roundbrackets for the Valentine's Day Double Drabble Exchange at DW/AO3
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Worry turned into fear hours ago. Ron is on a difficult case, but Draco knows nothing else. Once upon a time, he would have demanded to know, but he likes to think that he's grown. When the firecall comes, fear turns into a full blown panic. He takes deep breathes before Flooing to St. Mungo's. The Aurors look at him with distrust, but he doesn't care and goes straight to the private rooms. "You're alive."
"Are you disappointed?" Ron asks with a grin.
"Keep talking and I might hex you." Draco comes closer and holds Ron's hand. "They wouldn't say anything other than you were here."
"I told them not to call you for this reason. It's nothing that a few potion and a night here won't cure," Ron reassures him.
"I'm glad they called," Draco said, softly. "I told you that I can deal with your job and I meant it."
"I don't want you to," Ron answers.
"I know, but it's part of who you are, besides it's Valentine's Day."
"And you want to spend it here?"
Once upon a time, he would have demanded a fancy dinner. Now, he has other priorities. "As long as we're together."