Knitting, Cleaning, & Going Mad

Dec 01, 2005 17:10

Well, it's that time of year that I'm not sure if I love or hate. This year I'm knitting some x'mas gifts & although I like it, it's becoming tedious. So, I've picked up Pokemon again. Gotta do something different sometimes. Not sure if we're going to put up the tree or not. We've got this new kitten (three is too many damned cats in this house) & I don't think the big one would be such a good idea. Perhaps the five or three footer on the bar would be better. This year I'm determined to send out more x'mas cards, but I need to find them & buy stamps first.

I gave my mother-in-law an x'mas list like she requested & she couldn't believe it was all books. They're big movie people & not so into the reading for entertainment thing. I tried to convince her that I love books & such, but I ended up sending her some video game & movie ideas anyway. Grr. Most of those are expensive tho, so I'm kind of hoping they'll push her back towards the books. *evil grin*

After knitting this much for other people, I decided to splurge & buy some yarn to knit myself some socks. These will be expensive socks, but the yarn is like butter. It's the same brand I made my mom's socks out of & I can't wait to try it on my footsies. Yes, I picked bright happy colors on purpose. I just needed the boost after knitting navy blue socks for my father-in-law.

craft, misc

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