September Update <-- Great Title, Eh?

Sep 21, 2005 22:30

Well, I've gotten myself transferred into the General Studies program. I'm attempting to get my Associate's degree in order to "lock in" the credits & courses I've taken before they "expire". The system is so fscked up. Anyway, with this program I can take independent studies program & not have to worry about getting Dean permission first. Plus, when I take speech I don't have to speak in front of 300+ people. Wooo. The difference is that in the independent course I have to send in a video recording (currently vhs tape only) of my speech. In order to make that a little more realistic, I figured I could invite family & a couple friends over for dinner & record it with them watching. (My family'll do alot for good food & a get together.) All in all, although I'm rather upset that I haven't completed any degree yet, I'm also rather happy that there is a way to complete a degree. It's certainly helped make me feel better.

On another note I'm working for my dad... again. This time, however, I'm actually getting a little money. This is a good thin. I know I'd get more in "the real world", but dad's much nicer & more understanding.

Everything else has been pretty bland. Still knitting a lot, but not tonight. My right index finger is currently taped to my middle finger from pain, so that really rules out knitting. It also makes typing a challenging activity.

work, 大学

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