I has kitteh... or eight

Sep 11, 2010 22:07

I've now watched everything but the season finale of the first season of True Blood. Mostly I like it, but honestly the sex weirds me out (does there have to be so much of it?). At least it's balanced out with the all the blood and violence... I'm not really even being sarcastic, I honestly like those things, I mean as long as they're entirely scripted (which since this is a TV series, it would be ^^;). It's a fun show to watch as long as I don't take it too seriously.

I did a kitty headcount yesterday and if I'm not entirely mistaken I'll be heading into winter with eight cats this time. At least I finally got visual confirmation that the one kitten actually exists, I was starting to think it had somehow vanished... kitty is very shy and tends to hide a lot. Of course the two that did decide to disappear during the summer might make a reappearance now that it's getting colder, but honestly I'm not holding my breath, it's been a couple of months after all. I should totally figure out names for the four new ones (I'm just bad at thinking of names). *Sigh* What I really should do is try and give away a few, but... I love my cats.

Totally need to catch up on my 30 day memes again, 'cos I really haven't felt like doing them. Haven't really felt up to writing anything, even that. (And I'm feeling less than inspired when it comes to fic lately.)

Day 19 - Your favourite SPN song
Uh... I don't have any idea. I just don't listen to music, so the individual songs don't really stay with me.
Day 20 - Your favorite recap
Oh, maybe the one where they showed the Winchesters dying over and over. Hey, it was funny and conveniently hand waived the issue. :)
Day 21 - Your favorite character entrance

Day 19 - Favorite movie based on a book/comic/etc.
I keep wanting to say something really obscure, but when it comes to a comic book the honest answer is still Sin City. A book... I have no idea there's so much more of those so I just went with the comic, that's usually much more to my taste anyway.
Day 20 - Favorite movie from your favorite actor/actress
The Nun's Story. Audrey Hepburn.
Day 21 - Favorite action movie
Umm... first one that comes to mind... Point Blank (1998).

TV shows
Day 19 - Best t.v show cast
Oh, maybe Firefly.
Day 20 - Favorite kiss
Okay. This is so not something I have ever given any thought. The only thing I can think of right now is the Jack/Ianto one.
Day 21 - Favorite ship
Of all time? Spike/Buffy pre-season three. After that not so much. If we're talking something cannon... I guess see day 20. ^^

Now I believe I shall watch True Blood.

post: fannish things, post: random scribbles, post: meme, real life: i has pets

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