well this is random

Sep 08, 2010 13:41

Well, for what it's worth lj seems to be working again. I guess that's something.

Speaking of fail. I realised yesterday (well, it was pointed out) that I managed to screw up the issue number for last Tuesday's edition of crossover_news and now all the following issues are wrong. Go me. Well it's not a humongously big deal, but just so totally like me.

I should start figuring out what I want to read for podbang. Reading it isn't a problem (not that I'm saying I think I'm any good at it, but it's not a problem), but how am I supposed to decide what to read? I feel all pressured and indecisive. Knowing me I'll just end up recording more than one fic, just to be sure. Well, I guess that's not a bad thing.

Also, I totally made my first community, it's called
notfic (it's basically for fandom meta). And if that gets off the ground, one day I'm really, really going to regret it. Really. If I was going to make a community (and I seriously never thought that would happen) couldn't I have started with something easy and calm? But today is not that day and right now I'm excited about it (and nervous, very nervous).

Mom asked me if I wanted to speak during grandfather's funeral. My response could be summarised as "Srsly!? WTF?" (Obviously I was a bit more polite than that.) Mom knows quite well that I don't do public speaking unless it really, really can't be avoided. Besides I really wouldn't know what to say. And now I feel somwhat guilty about it. Since she must have known what my answer would be, did she have to ask and make me feel bad about the answer she knew she was going to get anyway. It's not like her family and relatives would want me saying anything anyway, it's not like I've ever been good enough and I don't want to stand in front of people who I fully expect to judge me even before I say a word (and that's probably unfair to some of them, but it's how I feel anyway). Sorry for the slight bitterness showing through there, but none of that's exactly anything I could say to mom under the circumstances. She's burrying her dad and even I know that's not the time to go on about any issues I might have.

And obviously I didn't do my 30 day memes yesterday. So, catching up today.

Day 17 - Your favorite SPN friendship
Even if it's completely unoriginal of me I'm going to say Dean and Castiel.
Day 18 - Your favorite SPN romance
See previous answer. Srsly.

Day 17 - A movie that disappointed you the most
Well if it wasn't for the fact that I was expecting crap I'd say Revenge of the Fallen. In this case I'll go with Wolverine. I have no words.
Day 18 - A movie that you wish more people would’ve seen
Dog Soldiers.

TV shows
Day 17 - Favorite mini series
Day 18 - Favorite title sequence
The second season intro to the 90's Iron man cartoon. At least I think it was second season. One of them anyway.

post: fannish things, post: random scribbles, post: meme

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