Bingo! (Multifandom Round One)

Jul 06, 2022 15:55

Yesterday, I finished my first round of multifandom fic bingo. I read 25 fics, and since posting about the last batch of them, I've been trying to decide which five I would most recommend. In the end, I couldn't narrow it down quite that much; my six top recommendations from among the many good fics I read are as follows:

alt.wiz: Charlie Furth, Usenet, and the Magical Internet Revolution by flibbertygigget (Harry Potter)
the kids who chose themselves by dirgewithoutmusic (Harry Potter)
Eruv by imperfectcircle (Mathey and Lynes)
Psmith and the Greek Spirit by kindkit (Psmith)
To a Doctor's Wife by tweedisgood (Sherlock Holmes)
Upon a Ring by sanguinity (Sherlock Holmes)

Interestingly, these are all book-based.


[Click to view all fics]Full List of Fics:
A: alt.wiz: Charlie Furth, Usenet, and the Magical Internet Revolution by flibbertygigget (Harry Potter; 8,932 words)
B: Blood Brothers by jennytork (The Sentinel; 406 words)
C: Can't Return If You're Already There by TheDiamondSword400 (The A-Team; 734 words)
D: Death By Spirits by notkingyet (Mathey and Lynes; 17,245 words)
E: Eruv by imperfectcircle (Mathey and Lynes; 11,683 words)
F: the family evans by dirgewithoutmusic (Harry Potter; 3,529 words)
G: The Gallows by tei (Sherlock Holmes; 513 words)
H: The Healing Properties of Felt-Tip Pens by Echo (The Avengers (MCU); 3,464 words)
I: It Was That Sort of Day by imperfectcircle (Dirk Gently; 1,861 words)
J: Just Another Step Forward by bravinto (The Sentinel; 1,624 words)
K: the kids who chose themselves by dirgewithoutmusic (Harry Potter; 9,714 words)
N: no place like home by dirgewithoutmusic (Harry Potter; 13,193 words)
M: Mudlarks by tigrrmilk (Mathey and Lynes; 1,437 words)
L: Like Real People Do by Todaywearesoldiers (Sherlock Holmes; 7,480 words)
O: On the Cold Hill Side by marycrawford (The Lord of the Rings; 4,937 words)
P: Psmith and the Greek Spirit by kindkit (Psmith; 4,578 words)
Q: Quack by legion (The Sentinel; 9,160 words)
R: The Rational Mind by copperbadge (Sherlock Holmes; 1,518 words)
S: Space Crazy by icarus_chained (The A-Team; 1,559 words)
T: To a Doctor's Wife by tweedisgood (Sherlock Holmes; 4,247 words)
U: Upon a Ring by sanguinity (Sherlock Holmes; 5,416 words)
V: Viola sororia by notkingyet (Mathey and Lynes; 1,516 words)
W: We Also Serve by Brightknightie (original series Battlestar Galactica; 3,867 words)
Y: You Had to Make Him Mad by TheDiamondSword400 (The A-Team; 1,259 words)
Z: Ziggy's Dilemma by Marmoset (The Sentinel and Quantum Leap; 8,827 words)

fanfic, rec, reading game, other fandom, index

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