Book #05 - Chimes at Midnight (Toby Daye #7) by Seanan McGuire

Sep 04, 2021 14:43

Chimes at Midnight (Toby Daye #7) by Seanan McGuire

The fight against goblin fruit just became personal.

Not that I actually remember the first books very well, at the one-a-year pace I'm reading the series, but I think this is my favorite installment so far.

* I liked how terrifying and high-stakes the plot was. The kingdom was in danger and Toby was constantly dying. There were no boring parts, imho, and the tension was constantly high. I loved it.

* All the blood stuff was cool. The idea of giving Toby blood jelly beans to eat was eery and *so typical*. :D

* I also love how much of a network of friends and allies Toby has amassed up to this point - and they all made an appearance in this book.

* Not only that, but we also learned something new about her squire Quentin, and, awesomely, about the Luideag.

* I like that the queen has finally been sent packing. Although the way Toby did it was scary and made me empathize with the old queen (of all people!). But I'm looking forward to new power dynamics.

* The only thing I didn't like was how Sylvester and Tybalt butted heads. I can see it's not unrealistic - I just didn't like it. But that's a really minor quibble with an otherwise excellent book.

5 stars - Perfect Toby

1 - * stars - private novel draft
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3 - todo
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5 - 5 stars - Chimes at Midnight (Toby Daye #7) by Seanan McGuire [DW link & LJ link]

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recs-books, lj-memes

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