Icon Progression 2018

Jan 19, 2019 20:30

Here's my progression post for 2018! (click here for: [ 2017 LJ | 2017 DW ] [ 2016 LJ | 2016 DWEvery icon post is linked separately, by clicking on the icon if the link is not within the text. But you can also click on the month names for that month's calendar with links to all my posts. The links go to LJ if the post was made to a challenge on ( Read more... )

art-icons, lj-memes, lj-yearly

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Comments 4

_profiterole_ January 19 2019, 19:51:01 UTC
That's very impressive. You must dedicate a lot of time to it.


tinnny January 19 2019, 19:56:51 UTC
Kind of? Yeah?

Less now that I'm doing so many other things in Guardian fandom.

But I usually did at least one big challenge (20 icons) every month, and then some smaller ones (10 icons or less). It adds up. It takes me about 10-30 minutes to make an icon, depending on how complex it is. Rumble icons take more like an hour each. Maybe more if I have to start over and do a second one.

I am having fun doing it, so it's usually my go-to relaxing fannish activity. But if I calculate 900*20 minutes per year, that would be 300 hours, i.e. about an hour per day, and I think that can't be right? Huh.


_profiterole_ January 19 2019, 20:10:08 UTC
Time flies when you're having fun. :-)


meridian_rose January 20 2019, 12:42:31 UTC
So many icons :D Love the graph!


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