Nov 24, 2004 16:52

I can't help but support jennyo in her political opinions:

"If the beginning and the end of someone's political argument is, "but it says so in the Bible!" people should have no compunctions about politely but firmly [...] refuse to debate Christian doctrine [...]. It's cheating, we've been suckered into it, and that needs to stop, by shame-based phatic discourse if necessary."

Whole article here:

And one article I found a while ago that I promised to link. It is not about politics but more about gay culture and its acceptance in the face of the current political culture in the States:

"There have been numerous calls on LJ for a show of Queer power in the face of 11 for 11 Marriage bans that the people imposed on those States. I don't disagree that something must be done, but rash action is unwise for it is only in long planning that any thing will succeed. [...]
The single greatest asset the gay rights movement has is EACH OUT PERSON. It is almost impossible to hate that which people KNOW."

Whole post here:

*now goes back into happy fanfic- and fandomland.*


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