At some point yesterday, my sister Michelle gave birth to a 7lb, X-oz (I forget) 19" long baby girl which was eventually named Luna. Luna Sorrell (sp?) Leighton-Sabo. It's OK, but Luna, eh? I knew that my sister and her hubby were big Final Fantasy fans. Check it out...
Luna means "Moon" of course, and in Okinawan (a Japanese dialect) the word "dark" translates to "Yuna", which was the sweetheart female lead of Final Fantasy X (and skewed off-beat off-character party girl in Final Fantasy X-2).
So if she has a brother, what's his name? Tidus? (That's Okinawan for "sun", by the way.)
Anyway, this makes me an uncle for the first time. It also makes the first American born into our family. Yes, I know, we'll be able to overlook that in time; Baptisms get rid of that sort of thing, right?
And now, the long journey to taint her mind begins.
UGH! NEW CANUCKS JERSEY! AHHH! What can I say? Ugh. Those jerseys are just lame. I never really got into the orignial jerseys the Canucks had from the seventies - you know, the blue/green combo with the skate/rink logo, but I thought that the colour scheme still looked workable. Now I look at it, and I still think it sucks. Maybe it's the word "VANCOUVER" emblazened across the chest that looks bad, or how the jersey looks too busy as a whole. The whale strangely looks OK in the blue/green colour scheme. I'm glad - unlike most people (which stupidly whine about the whale being a corporate logo and not a Vancouver logo (it's actually both)) I like the whale.
That said, I still think the fake "Johnny Canuck" jerseys that someone photoshopped online looked the best.
I just hope that my Habs jerseys aren't totally botched when they're released. All the other original six teams have remained faithful to their roots so far, but I still fear the worst at times like this. Damn you, RBK, for forcing this unnecessary change.