[Thread, Closed]

Oct 14, 2009 19:42

Characters: Cloud and Tifa
Progress: Complete
Summary: Cloud and Tifa arrive in Alexandria. Will there be room at the inn?
Location: Alexandria
Date: June, 1803
Warnings: None

It was a lot harder to get into Alexandria than it had been before. The guards were suspicious and less friendly; they didn't look too happy when they saw the sword Cloud was carrying, but eventually the pair managed to persuade them that he wasn't about to turn into a crazed killer. And the moment they entered the city, it became immediately clear how much the city had changed from the last time Tifa had seen it.

Before, the atmosphere had been cheerful, leisurely. It had been a perfect place to stroll around, its beauty quaint but still awe-inspiring. Now... not so much.

"Wow..." Tifa looked around. "It sure is different. I don't know if we'll be able to find anywhere to stay, it's so busy..."

The sheer amount of activity dazed her. It wasn't what she had grown to expect in this world. It wouldn't be easy to navigate through the crowds either. Even the streets had become narrower, as new stalls appeared pretty much everywhere they could be crammed in, the vendors all shouting over each other to try to attract the tourists' attention.

She took Cloud's hand and smiled at him. "Guess we'd better be careful not to lose each other."

tifa lockhart, cloud strife

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