Birthday Festivities for the Queen

Oct 14, 2009 20:36

Characters: OPEN
Progress: Continuous
Summary: It's Queen Garnet's birthday and everyone's invited to celebrate.
Location: Alexandria
Date: (pre-dated) June 18-21
Warnings: Only what you bring to the table.

With the matriarchal nature of Alexandria, it was no small surprise that the birthday celebrations for her Queen were given the most lavish attention. Everywhere the eye could see, garlands of flowers and brightly colored pennants hung from every home, criss-crossing her streets. The very air hummed with celebration, as the crowds flooded in the city gates, past the female guards. Said guards were taking extra care to confirm the identities and intent of the celebrants, causing a minor traffic jam of human bodies to pile up just outside.

Once past the check, the celebratory feel was tangible. Vendors and merchants, eager for their cut of the profits, lined the streets, hawking everything from gysahl pickle kebabs to lavish jewelry with a regal flare. Shopping venues were broken up by quirky games that involved guessing sleight of hand, catching goldfish with tissue paper, and guessing which female soldier would win in what was obviously a fixed spar with a Knight of Pluto. It was summertime and hot, the smell of warm dirty farmer mixing with perfumed Treno noble competed with roasted meats and fried sweets. Small children squealed with delight at the tame chocobo rides and miniature petting zoo at one end of the front square. Lively music rang out over the din of the crowds, adding to the energetic feel of the modest city.

At the far end of the city, a crowd built up at the castle gates, as the overworked Alexandrian soldiers accepted and registered the deluge of gifts being presented. While the grounds themselves were closed to the commonfolk, the excited murmurs of those lucky enough to attain tickets to the play announced that the barrier would not always be so.

((This is the festival portion part of the celebrations. The play and the ball will be going up in seperate threads in a few days. This thread is your all purpose stop for your Alexandria festivities going for the three day span. If you can imagine a fair type activity, feel free to include it in your rp. Don't feel limited to what's here.))

tifa lockhart, locke cole, squall leonhart, ellone loire, mjrn, brother, delita heiral, nida, rydia of mist, penelo, rinoa heartilly, luneth, zidane tribal, ingus, arc, blank, ashelia b'nargin dalmasca, kain highwind, garnet 'dagger' til alexandros, celes chere, seymour guado, terra branford, vayne carudas solidor

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