Protecting My Devotion - Group 6

Mar 12, 2011 07:37

Characters: Cid Shido, Firion, and Fran
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: What's worth fighting for.
Location: Memoria
Date: 11th March, 1805.
Warning: None that I can think of, but we shall seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Cid had had a few weeks away from the network to recuperate from the mission to save Edgar, fixing up his ship, tuning his pack, everything. Then he noticed a haze come over him, pinkish in degree. This feeling felt familiar in someway, but before he could re-act he found himself someplace else, he never thought he would be. Back in Wonderland.

He looked around and saw nothing around him, but also that he had no gear with him as well, including his sky phone. He sighed as he yelled out, "Hello!? Is anyone here?"

He had a feeling he had gone through this once before...and the last time was harrowing enough. But he had to endure this time.

cid (unlimited), firion, fran

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