Mar 11, 2011 23:10
Protecting My Devotion - Group 4
Characters: Selphie, Penelo, Edge
Progress: Ongoing
Location: Eblan Memoria
Date: The day the sky turned pink aka 11 March
Warnings: TBD
Edge was pacing throughout Alfitaria thinking of his talks with Cecil and Rosa when he heard the familiar voice of Rubicante. As the rage began to fill himself, he lost track that he was no longer on Gaia anymore.
He turned around without thinking and threw a shuriken straight at the man. How he had returned to Eblan and found himself in the Tower of Babil was not a concern only that the man was alive. His anger boiled over as he felt the familiar surge of his Blitz. "You won't kill anyone else!"
selphie tilmitt,
edward 'edge' geraldine