Protecting My Devotion - Group 17

Mar 11, 2011 22:02

Characters: Cissnei, Kain, and Refia
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: New!Memoria
Location: IT'S IN MY HEAAAD!
Date: March 11, 1805
Warnings: Iiiiiiiiiii... think we'll have to wait and see on this one, but probably nothing big, or at least excessive

It would have been impossible for Refia to not get a sense of extreme deja vu at that pink tinge in the sky - after all, it had only been just over a year. But as the days passed and nothing seemed to happen, she'd put it from her mind and kept going.

Until one day, early, it flashed, and in the next second, she was somewhere entirely too familiar, that she hadn't really wanted to see again.

She raised both hands to cover her mouth in a gasp, taking in the environment around her - dark metal everywhere, with walkways made up of a combination of stone, wood, and more metal. Looking over the catwalks, one could see the group was situated far above the ground level, as bits and pieces and turning gears continued to be seen through the holes for several feet below. Everything was bathed in a reddish glow, coming from a large furnace, much bigger than a person, that seemed to pierce the center of the tower and was clearly functioning, molten metal pooling slowly inside.

"The Tower-!" she whispered to herself, and then was swept into the memory before she could even check and see if others had been brought with her.

Four other people were with her - a boy with his silver hair in a ponytail, a short brunet boy who appeared fairly timid, and a blond with a determined air, all in her age range, all once on Gaia and now gone. But the focal point of the group was a young man who appeared a little older than them with dusky blue hair and a long blue jacket. As the other four started patching themselves up after what had obviously been a difficult battle, the young man ran up to the furnace to look at it closely. Refia was the first one to notice what he was doing, and a look of sheer panic crossed her face.

"Desch! Don't get too close! The fire... I think it's going to blow up!"

refia, kain highwind, cissnei

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