A Return [active]

Dec 02, 2010 20:22

Characters: Tseng and Reno
Progress: On-going
Summary: Reno ran off to wait for Rufus at the Iifa. Tseng, quite naturally, followed
Location: Port Warjilis
Date: Not long after this thread
Warnings: Unhappy Reno, tensions running high in general

All things considered, Tseng supposed he couldn't exactly blame Reno for wanting to go sit and wait for Rufus to return. He knew he would have, had he had the time to spare and had there not any of a number of things that had required his attention. But not even he could stay away forever. There were still things he wanted to say, after all. Of course, that didn't mean he needed to go quite as far as Reno had. He was fine with waiting a little longer. What he had to say had already waited a week, another few days wouldn't make much of a difference one way or another.

And so it was that he'd come to Port Warjilis. As far as stopping points went, it was near enough that he would be able to meet them on the way back and far enough away that he wouldn't intrude on anything that Reno had meant to say in private. For the time being, however, he'd simply wait near the most obvious ways into the city from the Iifa tree. It was - and always would be - best to be prompt, and he was hardly about to let himself miss the return of his president.

tseng, reno

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