And I Become the Phoenix Once Again...

Nov 21, 2010 00:06

Characters: Reno, Rufus
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: The Return of the Ki.... er... President.
Location: Iifa Tree
Date: Backdated to a week after smiting the Lucavi that took over Rufus' body.
Warnings: Reno's mouth.  Sap.  Ranting.

He'd left the visit to Tifa earlier than his companions, giving no notice of his departure - only letting them know where he was off to long after he'd begun his journey.  Part of him lamented the fact that he'd done it - they deserved better.  But he couldn't pretend to be happy any longer.  He couldn't fake the joy or even normalcy.

He'd killed his President.

True, his hand had been forced.  And hell, he hadn't even dealt the killing blow.  But the guilt weighed upon him anyway.

Perhaps it was the emotional tie he had to one Rufus Shinra.  One he wasn't sure was even noticed or returned, but the same that kept him so damned loyal all these years.  It was that tie that had him coming back to the company even when there'd been no company to return to - just a single man in a white suit and a clever, serene grin.   Yes.... yes, that's what it had to be, he realized, sitting near the twisted, gnarled tree that looked like an odd mixture of vines and the like.

He never thought in his wildest dreams that he'd be lifting a hand to harm Rufus.  Ever.

At some point, he must have fallen asleep waiting.  Wondering if he'd ever see the blond man again.  And when eyes cracked open again, hours later?

There he was.

He had to rub his eyes, pinch himself, even smack his own cheeks a few times to make sure he wasn't hallucinating.  But no - Rufus Shinra lay within the vine-like roots and branches of the Iifa Tree as though not a damn thing had happened to him.  Well, other than the fact that he was asleep.  Or comatose at least.  Joints protested a little after not having moved in a while, but he gritted his teeth through it to make his way over to the blond.  Carefully - not wanting to wake the man from what had to be a much-needed rest - he picked his President up.  It was time to get the hell out of there, off to an inn, an airship, whatever he could get them to quickly.  They'd deal with the rest later.  A moogle could find them later.  Questions could be asked later.

It took a while, Reno going slow to keep from jarring his 'passenger', but eventually he made it out.  He'd camp for the night, and head to the nearest airship the next day so they could get back to Lindblum.  A tent was set up, a campfire made, and Rufus was ever-so-gently laid upon a pallet to rest until those blue eyes opened once again.  He poked idly at the fire with a large stick, frowning at the insatiable flames as they licked and danced in the night.

"Life certainly has a way of fuckin' with people..." he muttered to absolutely no one.

jihl nabaat, dr. cidolfus demen bunansa, rufus shinra, reno

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