→ envoy to the open fields.

Dec 04, 2010 17:45

Characters: Vincent, Rishfee. Open to anyone in Wutai that takes an interest, I guess~
Progress: Ongoing~
Summary: Some things are a little too personal for mooglenet.
Location: Wutai.
Date: 05 December, 1804
Warnings: Monster mash.

There had been things in Gaia that Rishfee had never had the chance to experience. One was airships. Strictly a middle-land bold step backwards considering the Empire had already utilized Runic Portals to transfer someone within the blink of an eye to their destination, he couldn't help but marvel at how slow the mechanism really was. He really felt far from scared... yet apprehensive at using the thing. If the rudimentary engines stopped, it would hurtle down to the ground alike a stone through sheer mass alone. There was no portal in the thing which could be used to escape should that happen...

... Merely a casing to collapse in upon the passengers to ensure a painful death. Hence, he had spent the journey on the deck of the thing to ensure that was not the case. Yet voyages did not last forever. When the thing touched ungracefully down on the outskirts of the nation which reminded him immediately of the savage eastern ones by appearance, he wasted little time in exiting the dirty, great machine and paying his fare- clearing the distance to the city by foot to meet the subject of such a journey.

Vincent... was odd. Or rather, the way he thought of Vincent was odd. Rishfee had never been allowed to have friends. While some mercenaries thought of him as such, Immortals were supposed to remain disconnected from everything else but the Empress of Aht Urhgan. And that, he had. He couldn't think of Vincent as a friend, since he truly didn't even know what the definition of one was. More like... a mentor. The pair were immediately different; even though they shared the same burden with control over what they really were- they shared nothing more. Yet the captain... Raubahn was not here. Vincent was not a true mentor. Yet... he was all he had.

...He was already certain the stench from the thing's engines was clinging to him.
Disgusting, really...

rishfee, vincent valentine

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