So enthusiastic and yet so stupid.

Nov 12, 2010 05:59

Characters: Bartz, Terra, Matoya
Progress: In Progress
Summary: Bartz and Terra go to bother the seer with stupid questions.
Location: Matoya's Cave
Date: November-ish. /so helpful
Warnings: None, I don't think!

What was with sages and seers and caves? For most of his life Bartz had associated caves with the monsters that nested there or with convenient places to hide from unpleasant weather (that only ever seemed to show up on his path when the sky was completely clear). But it seemed he'd been mistaken, as he was about many things, and caves were really the secret hiding places of people who had answers. Or something. Did smart people just have some aversion to houses?

Oh well. Hopefully she at least wouldn't be a turtle.

He glanced upward, noting the thick, dark clouds above, and led Lin under a small ledge, wrapping his travelling cloak over the chocobo in case it rained while they were asking questions. He wasn't sure Matoya would appreciate him bringing a chocobo into the cave.

"Hello? Anyone home?"

matoya, bartz klauser, terra branford

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