Characters: Garnet, Rydia, Open to those in Alfitaria (I'm lookin' at you, Eiko, Edge, and Rishfee! Also Steiner!)
Progress: On-going
Summary: Garnet finally makes her stop in Alfitaria
Location: Afitaria.
Date: Nov 7, 1804
Although she had been talking about it for some time, it had taken Garnet much longer to arrive in Alfitaria than she had initial planned. The tour had been a long and taxing one -- much more taxing than she had anticipated -- and Alfitaria was to be her very last stop. After that, the Red Rose was bound home for Alexandria, even though there were still several places she had not had the chance to see; the guilt of leaving Zidane to tend to Alexandria all by himself was getting to her, and she missed him terribly. They'd barley even had the time to exchange a phone-call in her time away. By half-way through the day, she was just so exhausted she hadn't the energy to call home.
But even with all those worries on her mind, as soon as she set foot in Alfitaria, she was distracted. The place was huge, bustling and bright, even in the late autumn. It reminded her of Lindblum in some ways, but in others it was so very different. Excitement bubbled up in her as she made her way through the streets, in-cognito, and eager to explore (even though she knew she would probably give poor Steiner a heart attack for giving him the slip as she had). It had been quite some time since she'd felt so light.